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Y/N P. O. V

The white haired man was looking even more impatient than us and I don't know if we can trust him, but what else have we got? The door was also nearing and the only door that lead somewhere else in the building, the only one I've ever checked while trying to escape, was too far. Here goes nothing.
"Ai-chan" I nudged my partner to make her aware of the change. "See that door on the left? On the count of three we make a run for it" "I don't know how to feel about this Y/N" Aika was still fretting about the plan, I know that it's a lot to ask her to trust me on this but still... "What a coward this one is and also hurry up the gorillas behind are getting suspicious at your slow pace" the purple eyed ghost tried reasoning "You shut up" I was already pretty stressed and this came out extremely rude even when he was just trying to help, well at least I hope that he's trying to help. "I'm sorry" Aika looked like kicked puppy, she thought it was meant for her, now I'm truly annoyed. "It wasn't meant for you" "Not for me?" Of course she doesn't believe me who could have it be meant for, the walls? Sometimes this ability sucks. "It doesn't matter right now, when I get to three run as fast as you can to that door" "Ok"
As I pronounced the final number I took advantage of one of the men's carelessness and took the bat out of his hands while kicking the other how hard I could, Aika like I told her made a run for it and now was waiting for me. After a swing at the head the two were knocked out cold but I didn't know for how long so I rapidly went where Aika was hiding, she did a really terrible job at it but at least I'm the only one who found her. "Ok Ai-chan this is the final step, let's find the door who leads outside" I threw a quick glance at the ghost man who kept following us. I truly hope he wasn't trying to fool us, but like always ghosts can be both tricky and kind. He was smiling and I don't think this is a good sign but now Ai-chan's attention is all on me so I can't say anything. "Ok but where are we going now-" Aika didn't get to finish as I cut her off "First things first we get out of this rotten place properly and only then we'll worry about where we'll go" "I meant which way, there are four other doors here"... "Oh" Ok now I feel embarrassed. "Y/N listen! " Ai-chan dragged me up closer to the furthest door of the now smaller hallway, it sounded like a busy street, people and cars zooming past each other. Tears started streaming on my face as memories of the free world flooded my mind, finally out, I could finally get out of here and live my life without anyone's abuse be it verbally or physical. I totally forgot about the sketchy white haired man and even that Aika was next to me witnessing the whole scene while slightly panicking for it was her first time seeing me cry. I could die right now. "This is it" I muttered trying to fix my voice who sounded like it was far away from my body. "Then let's go, last one to get out has to find a place to stay" Aika said as a heartfelt laugh escaped her mouth and she opened the door, exiting the building as fast as her frail legs permitted. Now it was my turn to be amazed, it was the first time seeing her laugh like that in the whole year I've been here. True beauty. But now it wasn't time for that, goodness, how I lunged to see how the outside world was looking, a big smile also bloomed on my face, but this happiness was no less than a flicker...
As soon as I stepped outside I was met with the cold metal head of a gun. Oh come on can't I have one single break?! "Fan-fucking-tastic, from prisoners to gun point" I said eyeing the man holding the gun stuck to my forehead. There were two of them, both were tall and kinda looked alike, but one of them was taller. The shorter one had a mullet as the other had his hair short and neatly combed to one side. Both purple haired with dark blue streaks. Both held the same dead cold stare that could kill you in any second. "Lower your guns you idiots" the white haired ghost tried calling out to them but none seemed to hear him. As far as I knew I'm still the only one who can take notice to the dead.
"Ran I think they're just children" says the one with a mullet. No shit Sherlock. "How long it took you to figure this out mr. jellyfish?" I was just one step further from getting out of here but noooo you had to ruin it, so of course I'll be rude. "Jellyfish?" The taller man snorted as his I figured out brother gave me a dirty look. "Look miss are you part of the hostages" the short haired man asked "Well you're literally holding us hostages right now"
"Rindou I really like this one, can we keep her?" The oh so amused man stated to his partner. What does he think I am, a fucking pet? "Mr. Slenderman I don't think this is the right time to pick up strays on the street" I say as now it's Rindou's turn to let out a small chuckle, I could see Aika glaring daggers at me but I really couldn't help it! Even Mr. ghost man right there was laughing his transparent ass off "You asked if we were hostages right?" I say as I felt that we were drifting away from the subject a little too much "Yes we are" I continued "And there are even more inside" Aika trailed off after me. "Perfect, now show us where they're kept" the man whose name I still haven't learnt demands. He doesn't think I'm that dumb, does he?
"What are your intentions?"
"Pardon? " they both looked at me with confusion reading on their faces "You want me to show you where the victims are but for all I know you could also be bad guys" I threw a quick glance at Ai-chan who despite being petrified with fear I could see that she was standing with me on this one. "Don't worry kid, they might not be the sharpest tools in the box but when it comes to work they always get the job done accordingly, they're here to help" the lavender eyed man tells me while floating around the two brothers, it's the most I've seen him say in one sentence until now. Maybe he's telling the truth. I pray to the Heavens if they do exist somewhere he does. "We're here on a mission kid, we came to rescue you" Mr. jellyfish decided to answer my question "So will you help us or not?" The other man trailed off. I looked at Ai-chan who gave a quick nod.
"Ok then, let's get the show started" I could see from the way they carry themselves that they're not the kind of people to resolve this kind of business quietly. I can't wait to see this rat cage burning.

Hey guys! It's the author here,I hope you enjoyed this chapter and will keep enjoying the story.
Also please comment if I made any grammar mistake or anything you don't understand and I will try to explain. Peace out and take care<3

Question: What anime character would you like to come alive, but only one!

one hell of a child | soft!Bonten AU Where stories live. Discover now