Chapter 13

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"No, we're not dating." Joe spurted out.

"Bullshit. If you say you are not go and kiss a girl." Joe quickly nodded his head. He was ready to get up but I quickly pushed him down and crashed my lips to his. He instinctively intertwined his fingers in my hair. Clapping erupted in the air.

Kendra's P. O. V.

A three months have suppressed out of my calendar since I have moved in. The stability of Joe's and I's relationship is steady, although the mystery of my mother has been lengthened. I have figured that whenever she would plan to show up to see me-as stated in the letters- their was a plane ticket to somewhere in Europe the next day.

The way my mother wrote in her letters had a hint of desperation and sorrow. She would send one on my birthday, Christmas, Easter, Valentine's Day, and what was supposed to be her death anniversary. I didn't read those ones.

My apartment has been more than occupied, through the constant visits from Joe and the gang and to my publishers booking appointments at my flat to talk about my book. I have successfully completed a fourth of my book. My "due date" has luckily been postponed realizing my speed and caution.

My apprehension to all the videos I have been featured in and finally being released after many months has sparked. The comments below have mostly been "OMG IS THAT KENDRA WARREN" This has reacted to a stir of confusion in everyone's part and a form of guilt in mine. My name is know for a book I have published. I published a book under a fake name- because of the popularity of my dad- and it proceed to win itself awards but without me claiming any of them. After so much attention was brought to the "invisible author" I stepped out of the shadows and revealed myself. I was known for being one of the most successful young authors in Europe. Well, that's the good part of my name. The bad part has not yet to be explained.

My dad has provided me a short stick. His phone calls where simple and abrupt, with just a simple "hello, how are you". His secretive nature as of right now is still left a wondering thought in my head.

On another note, today is the beginning of September. The leaves will turn yellows, the oxygen in their veins will decreased. Their structure will stiffen and they will fall to their death. As we step and jump in piles of leave carcasses, they will scream but we will laugh. As the cold air will nick our cheeks and the slight condensation on our windows will decrease some of our happiness we will find serenity in this season. Joe and I have decided to drive over to Brighton today to visit Zoe's and Alfie's apartment.

As I sat in bed with a light sweater on top of my shoulders and my duvet protecting me from the heat of my computer, I heard a loud voice in my apartment.

"Hey babe, I brought breakfast. You upstairs?!" Heavy foot steps echoed along the hallway. Joe jumped onto of me, my impulse quickly placing my laptop on the floor before the metal being crushed upon the impact. Joe's head was on my lap, his body sprawled like a starfish. I combed my fingers in his long hair, his eyes immediately shutting.

"God, I love you." Those three words flew out of his mouth as desperately I wanted to snatch them and push them back into his mouth it was too late. From my previous boyfriends love wasn't something I felt with them. Love was conditional, there is no such thing of unconditional love for the human race. If someone hurts you, you stop loving them. If someone reveals their sexuality to the wrong person, the person stops loving them. You kill someone, the society will stop loving you. The love I think I feel for Joe feels amazing but how do I know it's love if I have never felt it before from someone other than my dad?

"Kendra?" Joe whispered. My thoughts were torn apart. "I really do love you." He rested his chin now on my lap, his lambent eyes bringing stentorian noise without speaking.

"I love you, too." I do, I really do. Right? This is love. The happiness that bubbled up inside of me when I hear his voice or himself. The comfort that empowers my body when I see him, and the warmth that injects into my body when he hugs me. This is love. He takes my problems that are tattooed on my body and uses it to comfort me. He doesn't take them away because he knows he can't do that. He knows it makes me, me. He knows me better than I know myself.

"So are we gonna stare at each other or eat?" I laughed grabbing the bag that was thrown at me. I bite through the warm breakfast sandwich. Crumbs were seeded all over my face, and a laugh was released from Joe.

"Are we still going to Alfie's and Zoe's?" I questioned, Joe's position was still intake. He was between my legs though, he now has moved his body slightly upwards with his head against my abs and his arms wrapped around my hips.

"Yeah if you want, she said she will be out most of the day so it'll be best to come around sunset." As Joe talked his vocal chords sent vibrations to my stomach. Joe wore a simple white t-shirt with grey sweats hung low on his hips. He's became slightly more muscular through the months. The sleeves on his shirt slightly tighter while the fabric on his abdomen loose.

"I was thinking about going over to my dad's house maybe today and talk to him about the elephant in the room." Scenarios of possible outcomes raced in my head, my nerves high.

"What, me?" Joe laughed.

"No, the letters from my mom I guess."
Tiredness started to take over my eyes but my mind still wondering.

"Why did it take you so long to do that? I'm just saying, if I found out my dead mom was alive I would be calling everyone I knew the minute I found out." Joe's thumb circled my hip bones. I replied with a simple shrug and a sigh. 

"What if the answer isn't everything I want it to be? What if it's too simple that I start hating my dad and my mom? What if it's so complex that I can't understand why they put me through pain?" Joe eyes alerted to me.

"I don't know what going to happen, no one does. Except the big guys upstairs but all I know is that in this moment I am here for you. I can't help you understand but I can help you feel less shitty about it. I love you." And his lips finally pressed to mine.

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