Zaun Divided

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Food has been difficult to come by in the following days since the battle on the bridge. Hunger pains are a constant. Vander remained in the Undercity to aid those in much less fortunate circumstances. Many have been orphaned by the battle. Children scramble to steal food wherever they can find it. Sometimes Jericho sneaks some to their hungry hands. It numbs the pain for a while.

With their food supplies draining faster than they can replenish, Mayve takes odd jobs for payouts large enough to feed her growing family. She knows better than anyone not to accept jobs that come from Little Man's mouth, but desperate times call for desperate measures and there aren't any other options left.

     Regardless of the increased number of enforcers guarding the bridge and patrolling the streets of the Upper City, Mayve climbs into a small boat and paddles across the dark water. She keeps her eyes up, afraid to look too far within its murky depths. To remain as inconspicuous as possible she pulls a hood over her brightly colored hair. She regrets dying it almost instantly. Starting today she will have to let it grow out.

     The shore of the Upper City couldn't approach soon enough. Mayve quietly steps out of her boat and pulls it to shore, mindful of the larger rocks beneath her feet. With tact, she finds the least populated entrance into the city and scales the first building closest to her. Despite the strain in her biceps she makes it to the roof. It has been a while since she's had to do a job like this. She feels slow and lethargic.

     Even though the battle happened no less that a week prior to this day, the Upper City gleams with a disgusting radiance. The sun shines down on the city as if it has chosen a side. The air is pristine and clear, slipping easily into the lungs. Fuck the Upper City. Fuck the sun. Fuck the clean air. Fuck it all.

     Pent up rage boils under Mayve's skin. She flattens herself to the roof, taking deep breaths to calm her overwhelming emotions. No matter how angry the turn of events made her, she can't be blinded by fury right now. Enemy territory surrounds her like a fish in the sea, and she is a very small fish in a vast sea.

     Once Mayve collected herself enough to continue the job, she jumped from roof to roof. The sheer feeling of weightlessness and the thrill of feeling like her younger self pushed her faster than she could have imagined. In no time she made it to the job location. It's a large house with colorful windows and a lush garden in the backyard. Mayve slides down the roof, jumping over to her destination. She lands on the roof with dexterity and scales down it out of the eyes of passerbys.

     Mayve starts inside the house. The columns extend through the home, as well. They reach up to the ceiling where it domes at the top. Over to her left is a bookcase with blue and gold carvings etched into the wood. There are some books pertaining to medicine and construction that she places at the bottom of her bag. The shelf they sat on could pay for her own house in the Undercity. She moved on to the other rooms, collecting what she thinks will sell.

     On her way out she picked food from the garden and placed it in a spare bag she brought. This will be enough to feed her family for a few days. She slung both bags over her shoulder, one stacked on top of the other.

     With an air on the side of caution, Mayve ran her memorized route over the roofs of Piltover back towards where she entered it. She paused every so often, watching the enforcers patrol the street. When they had their backs turned she would make her next jump. Mayve made it to the house she scaled to get into the city, climbing down from window to window. She dropped to the ground, her boots connecting with the hard stone. 

     "Hey!" A male voice shouted. "Stop!"

     Mayve looked up, her heart pounding. She sees an enforcer pointing at something in the opposite direction. He hadn't been looking her way. Something else has caught his attention. He ran after the person who is thankfully not Mayve, the distraction giving her enough time to set her bags in her small boat and paddle her ass back out to Zaun.

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