Antaeus get a grip buddy

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We reached Park Square and saw Antaeus. We decided to sneak up on him. After walking very slowly we reached behind him. 

''Ok Annabeth. Wear your invisibility hat and go in front of him. Then remove your hat and distract him.'' I said.

''What will you do?'' Questioned Annabeth.

''I will manage to get high then carry him with me. He will probably be hanging from tress and I think you deserve to kill him'' I said.

She nodded and we continued our plan. She sneaked upon him then removed her hat and said ''Hey you big oaf. Remember me? Your brother's girlfriend?''

''I have know brother and I don't think I have ever seen you in my life'' He said.

With this Annabeth started rolling on the floor laughing.

''Wow you really don't remember me? Does Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase ring a bell?'' she asked.

Antaeus's face turned red with Anger. ''YOU!'' he screamed.

He tried to catch her. Key word 'TRIED'. Annabeth just put her hat and moved out of the way. She appeared behind him and kept on taunting him. He was getting madder by the second. 

All this time, I was doing my part of the plan. I took some strong branches and connected them together. After a while of doing that, I finally got a strong branch. It was hanging a few meters in the air. I also had a chaos thread rope. If you don't know what that is, it if the strongest thread in the world. Made in the void itself. So when I was done I screamed ''Wise Girl'' . It was a joke because all this time Annabeth was saying about how much of a wise girl she was to Percy. Antaeus probably thought that it was Percy who called her. She saw that I was ready and her eyes widen at the little time I took for this. But she gave me a look that said 'we will talk about this later' . I quickly ran up to him took him and hung him in the branch. All this in a few seconds. He looked shock was to say the least. His face hand a mixture of anger, shock, sadness and disappointment. I got down from the tree. I gave my sword to Annabeth and said ''I believe you get to do whatever you want.'' She smirked and slowly went over to Antaeus. She started with small cuts then the small cuts turned into long big gashes and with a final swing from the sword he was dead. She came up to me and gave me my sword back. 

''What was that miss??'' Annabeth asked pointing to the branch I made.

''Well, I don't know. I just knew that I had to make him in the sky without touching the floor. Sadly I didn't have chains like Percy'' I said. ''Anyway I think we have to get back to Hercules.''

She nodded and we went back. On the way, she kept questioning me about camp DOA. I didn't know how to answer. Mainly because I wasn't listening . But still I didn't know anything. 

Finally we reached Hercules. 

''Lord Hercules, we have done what you've asked for. Not may we know the next task?'' I said respectfully. 

To say he looked surprised at my respect was to say. Then he did something I would think that he won't do in his immortal life. He smiled gently at me. Wow. 

''Abigail Madison. For completing this task without pissing me off, (at this part he was looking at Annabeth, who didn't care that he was there) I will give you my blessing. Now you have strength almost as much as me'' He said.

''Lord Hercules, I'm honored but I rather have you give it to Annabeth'' I said.

Hercules looked mad that it was Annabeth he had to give while Annabeth looked over (for the 1st time in this conversation) shocked. Hercules grumbled but gave his blessing to Annabeth. 

''Ok your next task is to..............''

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