~Meeting Him~

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Y/N's POV:

I just recently transferred to PK Academy and I will be starting tomorrow. I'm kinda nervous but I like meeting new people and I think I will get along with everyone fine. I flop down on my bed and look at the ceiling. I really hope people don't think I'm a jerk, I know I can be a bit stern and direct at times. Hmm, maybe I'm stressing out too much. I turn my head to look at my clock on my steady wood night stand. 'It's 9pm, I should go ahead and go to sleep.'  Pulling the blanket over myself and settling down rest, I keep thinking and assuring myself I will be okay.

~The Next Morning~

I wake up with a start, my heart racing. God, it was just my alarm clock. I reach over and slam my hand over the top of the clock, shutting it up. 

About 15 minutes later, I'm out the door with my bag and ready to go. As I'm walking down the street I notice a boy walking on the other side. He has pink hair and weird looking hair clips, along with thin green glasses. 'Damn, unusual style but go off I guess-'

"I will, thanks."  A voice said. What the hell, who was that?! "Me, the boy with the pink hair and the weird hair clips." I look over at him and I see him looking at me as well. "How are you talking to me right now? You sound closer than you really are-" I ask. "That's for me to know, and for you to never find out. Now if you will excuse me, I'll be getting to my class." I look forward, jeez I didn't realize we were here all ready. "Hey wait!" I say. He turns around to meet my gaze. "Where is the class for year 2 students?" I see his eyes roll a bit, then he responds. "You must be the new student the teacher was talking about yesterday. Follow me, it's my class too." I run to catch up to him. "Oh wow, I'm SO delighted to be your class mate." I say sarcastically. "Zip it maggot." He shoots. My eyes dart up to meet his once again. "What the hell did you say?-" He leans closer and puts his face right in front of mine, our noses inches away. "I said, Zip. It. Maggot." He then grabs my shoulders and turns me forward. "And look, we're here. Now go sit down." I cross my arms and huff. "Don't talk to me like a child." He sits at a desk somewhere near the middle. "It's hard not to when you act like one." He says smirking a bit. I felt my face starting to heat up, and I was about to shout but I was cut off by a voice. "Ahem, please take your seats everyone. We have our new transfer student I mentioned yesterday." The teacher turned to me standing in the doorway. "Introduce yourself to the class if you will." I look at all the faces that are staring at me and that's when I started to get really nervous. I felt my face turning red once more, oh fuck... "U-Uh, hi. My name is Y-Y/N and I'm 16 years old. I-It's nice to meet you all." I stutter. Just then a boy with red hair and muscular arms stands up. "It's an honor to meet you Y/N. I'm the class rep, Kineshi Hairo. We hope you enjoy coming to PK Academy." Then he sits back down and faces his attention towards the front. "Thank you Hairo. Now Y/N, you may sit in one of the seats in the back row." I glance at the back row and see a bunch of people that look a bit scary, or maybe even pervy. I mean, I am wearing a skirt so I may look like a girl, but still- I make my way to the back and awkwardly sit down in my seat. As I'm setting my things down I see the pink haired boy raise his hand. "Yes Saiki?" The teacher says looking at him. "It might be just me but it kinda looks like Y/N is uncomfortable with being back there." My face turned a bit red and I looked down. Why is he helping me, let alone thinking about me? The teacher looked back at me and asked, "Y/N, are you okay with sitting back there?" I look at her then look down again. "U-um-"

"He can sit up here by me, that is if he wants to." I heard Saiki say. I covered my face to hide my blush. "Y-Yeah, I'd like that a lot b-better." I stutter. Oh god why do I have to stutter like this in front of him. "Don't worry about making yourself look a fool in front of me, you already have." There was that voice in my head again. 'You shut up!-'

"Oh, looks like someone doesn't want to sit next to me then." My eyes widen. 'Okay, okay fine..'

"Y/N? Can you hear me?" I snap back to reality hearing the teacher's voice. "Oh yes! I'd like to sit next to Saiki please." I almost forgot people can't hear him accept me. I grab my things and move up to the seat next to Saiki and settle in. 'Thanks for that, I noticed they were looking me up and down in a not so family friendly way-'  He looks over at me and nods. "Your welcome cute stuff." I- SJBHVOUH- I jerked and almost fell out of my chair. I quickly sat back up with my face getting hot. "S-Sorry. I slipped-" I shook my head, this is gonna be a long school year...

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