Strange man and Animal

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It was the morning after the night. I came home from the trip, and I woke up late it was already 12 o'clock. I came home around 3 in the morning so that's why I was sleeping for so long. I did my usual stuff what I normally do in the morning and went to see what it's happening out in the city. The city was still quiet but not as much as it was at night. I decided to visit one of my best friends on the other side of the city and ask him if he knows something about what has been happening in the city the last few days. He told me that he was out of city visiting grandparents, so he didn't know what has been happening but one thing he has heard was that people were talking about like this big animal. That's what he heard, and it was heading to our city. He than asked me if he can help me solve the mystery. I was like ok you can help me it will be easier with you. So, we started looking around the city and talking to people that live here to find out about what has been happening here. Most of the people that we talked to were scared and didn't wanted to talk about that but after a while we found one woman that wanted to talk. We asked her some questions, and this is what we know from her. As we already knew that some animal came and ruined few buildings and killed some people and then she told us what the animal looked like, the head looked like eagle and bottom like a horse. I know what she was talking about the animal is called hippogriff. But it doesn't exist I only heard of it in the books. And the last thing she said that she saw somebody out there trying to find something but he didn't find it. That was weird what could he be looking for. After that we decided we will go home and get some sleep and, in the morning, we will search the city and the place where the man was looking for something.

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