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Once apon a time

There was a girl

Who found a lamp

She rubbed it

And a genie came out

He gave her three wishes

The only condition was

All three wishes must be made

And given

At once

So she will receive all her wishes at the same time

Her first was


Her second was


Her last wish was

To be flawless

And with that the genie snapped his fingers

And her wishes were granted

And let me tell you the beauty of this story

She stayed exactly the same


Hello this concludes my poetry book, I decided to finish with this story because I realized that instead of wallowing in self pity thoughts, I should realize that I'm perfection, beauty and flawless, and you should too.

This book is made of poems I've written about my life experiences so please realize o don't just do this for the fun if it, I do it because my poems are raw emotion. I hope you enjoyed!

- Rose 🌹

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