Chapter One

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"That's a wrap for today! Good work everyone!" Harry's producer, Mason, clapped enthusiastically as the band began to pack up their instruments. Harry walked out of the recording studio with a large grin on his face. He walked over to Mason and gave him a light hug. "First song is done!" He cheered, pumping one fist in the air.

"I don't know how you're so cheery considering the song is a slow ballad about you and your ex of five years and how you grew apart and aren't the same anymore." Sarah shook her head as she walked by, chuckling lightly to herself.

"It's all about perspective!" Harry reasoned, although he had to admit she did have a point.

He grabbed his guitar before making his way out of the studio, following his band. As he got to the car that was waiting for him and placed his beloved instrument in the backseat, his phone rang. His personal phone. It didn't do that as often anymore. No caller ID. Curious, he picked up the phone.

Immediately a young female voice started chirping through the speaker. "Is this still your number Harry? I swear to god if you changed it- bloody prick, you probably did." Harry's jaw was slackened, too in shock to form a sentence, it had been over a year since he'd heard that voice. He heard the dial tone beep, meaning that she ended the call. Harry called the number back immediately.

"Hello? Are you going to talk this time?" the same voice sounded annoyed.

"Lottie?" Harry asked quietly, timidly. The last time they spoke in person it had not been a pleasant conversation. For either of them. Lotties voice immediately changed. "Oh. you're actually there. That's better."

"Y-yeah sorry about that. Mic wasn't working for some reason."

"Oh." There was silence for a minute and Harry, who was still sitting in a parked car in the middle of the street, waved to the driver to start moving.

"So... did you call for a reason?"

"Oh! Yeah, right." she sounded distant, upset, suddenly. "Listen harry, I have bad news," Lottie took a shaky breath in. "Mum's in the hospital. She collapsed at work last night. Doctor says the leukemia spread. She- she's terminal haz." Lottie started crying on the other end of the phone.

Harry was at a loss for words yet again. "I- how long does she have?" He asked shakily.

"I don't know, the doctor said two weeks at best."

"How are the girls and Ernie?"

"They're- I'm gonna be honest they're not the best, they didn't take the news well. ...Louis' trying to be strong but I can tell this is affecting him just as much. Maybe more." Harry nodded solemnly.

"And you?"

"I'm- I'm scared. And sad. And angry. And a whole bunch of other shit I don't want to get into right now. Anyways. The reason I called is that mum wants to see you. She wants you here with her and with us. You're still family, Haz. Your history with Louis doesn't change that."

"He probably doesn't even want to see me." Harry mumbled.

"But we do. She does. Screw him for a second and come down here. Please. And he's getting the twins from school right now. He won't be back for at least an hour or two."

Harry sighed, signaling to the driver to turn around to the hospital. "I'll be there in ten."


When he pulled into visitor parking fifteen minutes later Lottie was already waiting by the front entrance; bouncing on her heels and biting her nails as she did when she was nervous. Harry stepped out of the car, plastic bag in hand, and walked up the front steps as his driver pulled away from the curb. He wrapped Lottie in a bone crushing hug that was immediately reciprocated as soon as he was within reach.

"Shhh.." He stroked her neck and back as her shoulders started to tremble. "Let it out, it's okay."

They broke the hug after a minute or two and Lottie wiped her face on her sleeve. "Sorry." she gave him a watery, bleak laugh. "It's alright. I hope you don't mind. I stopped on the way. Grabbed what I thought the little ones would like from McDonalds and some toiletries in case someone is staying overnight. Probably me."

"Why would you be staying?"

"My house flooded last week. About a month's worth of repairs need to be done until I can go back."

"Oh jeez. Well I'm sure we can find room to spare somewhere. And as for the happy meals, as long as you got nuggies they'll be happy."

"Of course I did! I know what kids like, I took care of most of you a lot you know."

Lottie laughed, the sound easy and bright for the first time that day. She looped an arm around Harry's waist and pulled him through the doors. "Man have I missed you."


Aaand I'm back with yet another book! It's not finished but it's been in the drafts since february I believe. please remind me to update this!

how's everyone doing? anyone wish they weren't in school? (me)

drink some water, eat something :)

I love you all!

Gigi x.

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