The truth of Zeus

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This storie goes about a young boy named Bell Cranel, he lives in a small town far away from Orario. Bell is a calm and smart child who loves the stories his grandfather reads him about heroes. Bell has black hair that touches his neck like a raven and has red eyes, and he is 48 inches(122 cm) tall he wares a black t-shirt with a high coller, long black pants and black with white shoes.
Bell lives with his grandfather because his parents are dead, he doesn't know who they where but his grandfather told him that they were strong and courages people who cared alot for him and asked for him to take care of Bell in case anything happend to them, and sadly enough something did happen.

After he woke up he rushed downstairs to find his grandfather waiting there for him. Bell rushed up to his grandfather to give him a hug, the man was suprised that he did this because Bell was normaly a calm child, but his good physical state made him able to catch the boy and return the hug. After the hug the two ate together and then his grandfather was talking about what would give as his gift for the young boy. "Bell" he said, gaining his grandsons attention, "you want to go to Orario when you get older to become an adventurer, don't you?" the grandfather asked. This caught the boy's full attention, this had been his dream ever since he could remember, so with no hesitation Bell said yes. Seeing the boys determination the grandfather laughed and grinned, then he said "well then it's time to get you training!". The young boy was confused by this so he asked "not to be rude, but what could you teach me in fighting you're pretty old" the young boy said with a grin, he said that last part just to tease the man. The man laughed and said more then you know, but then his expression changed he knew that this day was coming but he wasn't looking forward to it.

With his serious expression he looked at Bell and said "it's time i told you the full truth". Bel was again confused and asked "the truth?", "yes the truth" the old man replied. He started of by asking what Bell knew about the Zeus familia, and Bell said he just knew tales about them having been the strongest familia, until they went on an adventure to kill the black dragon and they all died together with the Herra familia. The man nodded and said "thats correct, but what you didn't know is that you're mother and father where part of that familia." Bell stood there with wide eyes, but before he could say anything his grandfather continued "i promised them to take care of their child if they died, and as the god of their familia i couldn't let them down." the now revield Zeus said. Bell looked on with awe as he realised immediately that the man he called grandfather was actually Zeus, with tears treatening to fall out of the corners of his eyes he asked what their names were. Zeus awnsered "Nagata Uchiha and Chinji Cranell" (random names), now tears did fall as Zeus gave Bell a hug, they stood like that for about 20 minutes. After the huging Zeus said they were gonne cellebrate his birthday today and start his training tommorow

The hole day Zeus told Bell about his parents, how they were both level 6, how they met, their magic, Zeus took Bell out for dinner at the end of the day, at dinner they were talking about what type of training he would do.

Bell got woken up at 6:00 in the morning, and was tired he had done a lote of thinking about everything he had discovered yesterday, and he had promised himself that he would make his parents and his grandfather proud and be a hero he had never felt so driven and motivated. But Zeus didn't care and said to shower and then come to the kitchen so Bell did exactly that. When he got in the kitchen Zeus asked if Bell knew what a falna or a blessing was Bell nodded his head and Zeus smiled a bit and thaught "he absorbs information like a sponge, soon i will get to see how much of that brain he will use in a battle." Zeus said "this will make this go a lot faster, i will give you my falna so you can get stronger and when you go to Orario i will take it of and when you get a falna from another god or goddess youre stats will just start from 0 and the level will stay the same as here, but you can't tell anyone about me when you're in Orario, is that understood?" Bell nodded quickly because he had never seen his grandfather so serious before. Zeus' tone softend and said "oké now sit on that chair and take your shirt of." Bell did as asked and took his shirt of and sat down. Zeus lightly cut his finger and begun the proces that he hadn't done in such a long time. After everything was done Zeus took a paper and held it on the stats on Bells back, now every stat was visible on the paper and Zeus read "

Bell Uchiha! THE POWER IS IN THE EYESWhere stories live. Discover now