Chapter 15

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“Where are you taking me”? I ask Niall as politely as I can without sounding suspicious.

“Just trust me” is all he says

“I don’t trust anybody” I explain to him.

“That is no way to live”

“Well it’s been working for me, so far” I tell him. “Who are you anyway?” I ask

“I am someone who you should trust.” Niall says with a sheepish grin.

“Ugh…okay I stutter.

We continue walking side by side, silence clouds us as it slowing falls dark.

“Night has fallen. We must hurry” Niall warns me, before walking faster towards our destination.

I don’t say anything. I just follow him and hopefully he knows where he’s going, because I sure as hell don’t.

I break the silence.

“I hope you know where you’re going.” I half ask.

“I have spent most of my life here.” He assures me.

“That doesn’t answer my question.” I begin feeling worried.

“Of course I know where I’m going. Worry not, m’lady. He tells me and I feel myself blush, but I have no idea why.

“Charming, you are” I say almost a whisper.

“That I am” he says with a cheeky smirk and I giggle.

“How much farther is this house of yours anyway?” I ask hoping his answer indicates its close.

“It’s just around this bend” he tells me and I’m relived

“Great. I’m exhausted” I tell him and he gives a small understanding nod.

“Follow me this way.” He tells me as the sky becomes darker and it’s hard to tell where we are heading.

But I oblige by following his instructions. To my delight we arrive at a long lane way and at the end of it is a big looking house with narrow, glass windows scattering the outside brick walls, which I did not expect.

“This is where you live?!” I ask in shock.

“No. no, we work the grounds” he interrupts my gaze at the wonderful house. Knowing it was too good to me true.

“We have a small dwelling out back.” He adds.

“Come on, we are almost there.” And I follow pealing my eyes off the gorgeous house that I was excited about, leaving it behind and I walk fast to catch up to Niall.

Walking through the small door way of the house Niall brought be to, he tells me we have to be quiet as I tip-toe following him along the floor boards. “My mother is asleep in the next room” he explains.

“You’re mother? Will she let me stay?” I ask as quiet as I can.

“I don’t see why not” he tells me sounding completely innocent.

“Thank you so much” I turn towards him and smile, lightly touching his shoulder.

God I wish my mother was here. I think to myself and hope I get back to my real home soon.


“Will somebody please help us?” Allie’s mum asks approaching an officers desk.

“Yeah, we need to talk to an authority, stat!” I add, backing her up.

“Can I help you?” a tall, broad man’s voice booms.

“Yes, absolutely. My daughter has been missing for over a day now” Allie’s mum’s voice turns to relief as she sees a different officer instead of the last one we had. And I am disappointed because I wouldn’t have minded seeing officer Tomlinson again.

“We can’t find her anywhere” Allie’s mum adds breaking me from my thoughts of the handsome, British officer.

“Someone must have taken her!” I contribute to the conversation.

“Okay, I understand, now if you both could just calm down…” he starts as allies mum interrupts in the middle of his sentence.

“Calm down?! Calm down?!” she repeats louder than the first time. “My daughter is missing” she re-states.

“Yes, I’ve been informed of the situation” the officer says calmly.

“Oh, please” escapes my lips, as I am given a glare from the officer as he continues to speak.

“and the police are doing everything they can” he says, what a cliché I think to myself as I see Allie’s mum roll her eyes and cross arms. Then starts on him once again.

“The police?!” she asks. “They’re useless. She says looking around at the officers sitting around doing nothing at their desks.

“Yeah they’ve been holding us the past few hours” I explain to the tall man. “They just let us go actually” I explain further.

“I’m sure they had their reasons…” he says looking down towards Allie’s mums face. “Anyway it will all be fine, I’m positive about that.” he smiles. And I look at him with a greasy look. How could he possibly think everything will be fine? What an idiot.

He catches on to my look and assure us that they are doing what they can… again, but I don’t see much changing.

“Your best bet is to go home and wait for Allie there.” He tells us gesturing towards the door. “We will call if we have any updates” he assures us gesturing to the door again for us to leave.

Allie’s mum breaks down into sobs.

“Look get Allie’s mum home, then come back here and we’ll organize a search grid.” He says and I nod in agreement, and thank him repeatedly for his kind thought.

“You’re welcome.” He says simply with a half-smile.

“Just find her please” Allie’s mum says and I lean in to wrap my arms around her as she continues to sob into my shoulder.

“We’ll do our best” he promises and looks back towards me motioning to get her out of here.

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