A New Home

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A New Home:
When you were 13 your parents died in a car crash on there way home from a movie.You had to move to Australia to live with your foster family and your were extremely scared and afraid. You've always wanted to go to Australia but your family never had the money to travel as far as out of the state. When you arrived at your new home your new family was already waiting outside. You walk up to them at was instantly in shock see that their home look like a house out of a Dr.Susse book. That seemed like nice people and all but you were still afraid. "Hi Catrina!" The man said with excitement. "Oh Charles don't scare her. Its only her first day here." "Hi...but please call me Cat." he look up at them and said jokingly," don't worry. I don't mind the enthusiasm. They picked up your bags and took you to your new room and you saw pictures of a mother girl around your age. They seemed to notice and said," That's our daughter...she died last year. this was her room." you saw them start to get sad so you told them you can take it from here so they wouldn't have to go through the memories of their daughter. You unpacked and when downstairs to eat dinner. When you got downstairs you saw them at the table and they said," Cat we need to talk." You sat down and said ,"What is it?" "Well you're first day of school is tomorrow and we wanted to know if you wanted one of us there with you." you replied,"no thank you I think I can do it pretty well." you just seemed to realize how different things were here from America. when you went upstairs to go to bed you couldn't stop thinking about how people will make fun of you about you accent, terms, etc... When you finally went to sleep you kept having dreams about your parents and what happened.

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