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The last two weeks all I have done is studying. Studying for this case, which might be the biggest case I'll ever do.

The man we're after, Anatoly Volkov is proven to be a russian mafia leader. Or at least that's what my boss proves him to be. I read all the casefiles of weak evidence we already have against him. And when I say weak I mean terribly weak. The evidence proofs nothing. The evidence we have doesn't say 'I'm a mighty serial killer' like my boss proves him to be. My boss thinks this guy might've killed over a hunderd people and god knows what the hell he's been doing when he isn't killing people.

'Who are you?' I say in an even deeper voice than I already have, trying to immitate what I think Anatoly's voice would sound like. 'My name is Roman...' Roman... 'Fuck!' I pick up the file with my characters background. I always forget that stupid last name. 'Roman Russo.' I say while handing my reflection my hand.


'Who are you?'

'Roman Russo.' I say while plasting a cocky smile on my face and handing my mirror reflection my right hand. 'Pleasure.' I add while rolling up my sleeves to show the snake on my arm. I need to intimidate this man as well as I can. He needs to give me his daugthers hand, that's my only way in.

I'm gonna be Roman Russo a long lost cousin that helped the Russo's out of a crisis. The long lost cousin that'll marry Volkov's daugther as some kind of business deal.

A year ago I was still hunting a drug dealer while pretending i'm a junkie. Now I'm (if my plan works) about to 'marry' a girl without knowing anything about her, just for a business deal. Or actually to make sure her father is behind bars before he inflicts more damage in this country.

It makes me wanna throw up, thinking about the girl I'm supposed to marry.

It's not a secret that Volkov's daugther is for sale. Volkov hang that sign everywhere: 'Open for business.' He did that in a really clever way. One of his maids heard him and his wife talking about how they were waiting for the perfect man to marry their 'angel'. The maid told everyone she knew, probably since everyone in this world knows. All over the world man seem to come to Volkov's 'mansion' convincing him that they're the best man for his daugther. The thing is, these guys don't know what they're talking about. They probably tell Volkov whatever the fuck they think he wants to hear. 'I will treat your daugther like a princess' 'I will make sure she's get's everything she wants, including that pony she wanted but you never got her.' No shit this girl still doesn't have a ring on her finger. Volkov might seem like a great father, but if he's what my boss wants me to prove is, he's just a con. An actor. Like me.

He doesn't want to hear how well these man would treat her. He wants to hear the sound of money. Dirty money. And I'm gonna give him just what he wants. Intimidating might not seem like the best idea but it really is. If I convince this guy i'm worth investing in, in every way possible. I'm in. I'll marry this girl as fast as I can and bam.

I just have to be convincing. I just have to play my part right.

I have to be carefull because one slight fuck up could send me to hell.

I walk out of my room towards the big wooden door on the other end of the hall. Russo's office. I need to discuss the ball he's hosting. I'm planning on making a first impression at the ball. A few weeks after the ball i'll go to Volkov's mansion to preform my big 'I'm the best investment you'll ever meet' show.
Before knocking on Russo's door I stop and stare at the big painting in the hallway. I've been here for three weeks but haven't figured out what the painting says yet. It looks like a person falling from the sky, draped in blood. A person with wings. The wings are draped in blood. So draped that you can't see what color they are. If I could see the color I'd know wich to choose. A demon falling from the sky or an angel. It could be both. The demon or angel has a satified smile on it's face while falling from the sky. A face that says something but I can't figure out what.

Fallen AngelOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz