Untitled Part 1

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Arobynn didn't know what force pulled him from his cozy bed in the dead of night, it was almost like a voice in the back of his head telling him to go, it was so soft he couldn't be sure if it was real or his own imagination,all he new was that he had the visit the river. And so he pulled on a fur lined coat to to protect himself from the blistering cold and grabbed his horse to follow to commands of the mysterious voice in his head.

Arobynn arrived at the river unsure what he was susposed to find, there was nothing there. He considered leaving and returning to his mansion but there was almost something pulling him to to the river bed. He scanned the river but saw nothing remarkable there, but somthing shiny caught his eye. The glint came from a lumpy log floating on the river. He looked harder and relised that someone was lying lying on top of a log. He moved closer to river bank and saw that it was girl. She was so small, he guessed her to be no more than ten years old at the most. Was this what he was supposed to find? A body of a little girl? He couldn't famthom what could be so special about this girl, but he decided to trust the voice that brought him here

Arobynn removed his shoes and coat imeadiatly regretting it. Winter was appraoching quickly, and the north winds grew frostier by the day. However Arobynn refused to back down and sucked in a breath and slowly waded into the water, until he was waist deep. it was like an incy hand gripped him from the wist down. He had reached the log however and removed the girl from it. He carried her back to shore lying her down on bank as he put his coat back on. Now that she was closer he could see she was in a bloody nightgown, the make of the nightgown looked to be of a fine make, with delicate embroidery and lace. A noble's daughter perhaps? He wondered if the blood was what killed her. It was a shame really, he could have sold her to Clarisse, she was pretty with delicate features and golden hair. He knelt down closer to inspect the object that had caught his eye. He removed the necklace hanging around her neck and studied under the moonlight. He gasped. It couldn't possibly be, but it was. The amulet of Orynth. 

Arobynn looked at the girl again, the blonde hair, the finely made nightgown, her age, and most damming of all, the amulet. He was looking at the princess of Terrasen, Aelin Ashryver Galathenius. 

As Arobynn was studying her, she twiched, so slight that he alost missed it. Arrobynn held a dagger under her nose to check for breathing and by all miracles she was alive. But not for much longer if he didn't get her somewhere warm. Despite the frosty air and wet clothes, Arobynn removed his coat and wrapped the princess in it. Now he unsterstood why he had been led here. Arobynn rested her in his lap as he rode back to his mansion, with barely contained glee. The possibilities were endless, and all were his for the taking.

At his Terrasen mansion Arobynn had a servant start a fire, in the meantimes he laid serval blankets on the princess to keep her warm, the girl was as pale as death. He hoped she would survive the night, what a waste it would be for her die just as he found her. he had servants look after the girl Arobynn retreated to his study away from the prying eyes. He pulled the amulet from his pocket and studied it. The stag of Orynth stood proud in the centre of the necklace, it's head held hig. On the back of the amulet were some strange markings he did not understand.

Arobynn wondered what events had led to the princess landing in the river with a bloody nightgown. Had there been an attack on the palace? An assassin? Were the king and queen alright? It frustrated him to have so many questions and no answers. Those anwsers would help him decide what to do with the young princess. What would the king and queen give to have their daughter back? How much would the court pay? But then the question became should he blackmail them? They would likley assume he was responsible for the attack then and he was sure he did not want to have the royal family as an enemy. So to who should he sell her to? A private investor? Clarisse? He dismissed the later idea almost as fast as it had come. She was much to valuable for that. Should he keep her for himself? He wasn't sure, and it wasn't wise to make descions with such limited information. If there had been an attack he would surely hear about it in the morning.

Arobynn checked on the girl again, who was wrapped in blankets and situated in front of the roaring fire. While not awake, her breathing was stronger, and a bit of colour had returned to her face. It was remarkable how quickly she was healing, he supposed it may have something to do with her royal ancestry, the descendent of Mab. She was very gifted with fire magic, the most powerful royal in centuries according rumor. But that was all the people had, rumors. The royals were very quiet about the future queens abilities, never confirming nor denying anything, always holed up behind palace walls. How a girl so small could be so powerful was a mystery to him, but if it was true that might be more reason to keep her, a powerful magic weilder under his comand, the idea was tantalizing. No one would be able to stop him, he would truly become the king of Assassin's then. 

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