Untitled Part 2

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The first thing Aelin noticed when she woke up was the drab room. While not hideous it was not of the same luxury as her room was. The events of the previous night flooded her assulted her all at once. The wet bed, her parents blood, Marion telling her to run, falling into the river and her desperate attemps to cling to log, her lifeline. She did not recognise any of the servants that came in and out of the room, checking her temperature and her cognition. According to one servant she was running a fever, but Celeana didn't feel dizzy or feverish, she actually felt fine, a bit of a runny nose maybe but that was it.

The servants refused to reveal where she was and who had brought her here, which was very anoying. Servants always listened to her in the palace. From looking at the landscape from her window she gathered she was still in Terrasen which was good she supposed, or at least she hoped it was. She also guessed it was around midday. The sevants didn't ask her any questions either which to her relief, She didn't know if she could have been abled to awnser everytime she thought about it, she wanted to hide, cry, scream. Do something to let all of the greif out. She instead focused on her present situation. They were looking after which was a god sign, they had also helped her change out of her nightdress. She couldn't bare look at the dark stain on it, she didn;t want to se what they did with it. She just wanted it gone. They also brought her a tray of breakfast. She was so hungry she didn't even complain about the egg being fried, which she normall hated, instead of being runny.

After what felt like an enternity of waiting, a tall man with shoulder length auburn hair came in. He wore a soft expression which put her at ease, so much better than all the stern faced servants. The servants all laft her room immeadiatly after the man entered. She guessed that he was their boss ffrom the nervous bordering on fearful expressions the servannts wore when they saw him, as well as they way he carried himself, like he owned the place, which Aelin suspected he did. The man sat down at foot of her bed and introduced himself.

"My name is Arobynn Hamel, it is nice to meet you."

Aelin's parents had always taught her to not to mumble and look the person in the eye when introducing herself. "My name is Aelin Galathynius"

Arobynn smiled like he already knew. "I would ask you to keep that a secret for now, for your own safety. I have heard some reports of what happened, and of course I found you half dead in the river. Do you wish to share what happened?" He asked.

Aelin shook her head the servants screams ringing in her ears. An uncrontrollable shudder overtook her. Arobynn did not push her any futher. If she couldn't tell them who she was, what could she tell them she wondered.

As if he had read her mind, he told her "Tell them your name is Celeana Sardothian, you are the daughter of a minor lord." Celeana nodded, she could do that, she could be Celeana Sardothian for a little while, not have to worry about royal duties, servants and the kids not being afraid of her. She could simply be a regular girl for a little while.

"Good girl" Arobynn explained what he had heard about the palace. The whole palace had been attacked, The king of Rithold was invading, how no one knew where the princess was, she was pressumed dead. No one knew where Aedion was either. Arobynn stayed with her as she watched her kingdom fall. Aelin curled into a ball and shook with quiet sobs, she felt hopeless, scared, lost. She wanted to hug her parents as they told her it was going to be alright. Aelin felt a hand reach over and stroke her head, it was comforting enough she didn't care that it was from a man she'd just met, she just wanted someone to hold her.

Arobynn gently turned her head so that she could see him. He looked her in the eyes as she told her. "You're strong, you will survive this, you wont let this break you." Yes, she could be strong. And she wasn't going to let anyone hurt her again. Arobynn tucked a strand of hair falling in front of her eyes, but he gave paused as he looked at her ears. Her hands went straight to them. She felt the pointed tips, one of the most obvious giveways of fae. Arobynn moved the hair to cover her ears. Aelin flushed from embaressment, she must have transformed sometime when she was asleep without realising it.

Arboynn got up from the bed, "I'll leave you to get some rest Celaena" and left the room. Celaena, the implication was obvious. Aelin got up to stand infront of the vanity, she had to stand on her tippytoes toes to see, and studied her pointed ears, her fangs. Celaena wasn't fae, Celaena wasn't royal, Celaena didn't have uncontrollable fire magic that burned everything she touched, that burnt libraries, burnt people, scared everyone into keeping their distance. Aelin wanted to be Celaena.

Aelin willed herself to change back into her human form. It wasn't safe to be princess Aelin anymore, she had to be Celaena Sardothian. She closed her eyes, hoping that when she opened them she would be human. For once her magic listened, when she opened her eyes she was fully human, she caged the magic deep within.

The following morning the magic had disapeared completely

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