The first night

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POV Is from Judge
I woke up to the sounds of a violin, it was a hard melody like something out of a horror movie. Getting out of my bed and stepping onto the cold wooden floor, I fixed my hair and went to see what all this noise was about. Walking down the dark and gloomy halls, I ran my fingers along the wall. So cold yet so warm at the same ti- "do you need something?" my thoughts where interrupted, I look up to see the tall man himself. Inferno Sonata, he was quite new, along with Mr Paganini. He was  quiet secretive and cold, though he was straight from hell. "Hello? Mr judge do you need something?" I snapped back into reality.  " yes actually, stop that noisy music at once! People are sleeping Mr Sonata, do you have no shame!?". I didn't mean to be harsh, but as always I was. His hair seemed to darken as he placed down his violin, his smile faded as he did so. I felt so bad, but I can't let my guard down. If I do, they will all see me as weak! I'm not weak, I'm not in his imagine I can't be! "Anything else you need? Besides crashing my night that is." how rude! Though I suppose it was deserved.. "No, just get back to your hell hole and sleep. You need it." I saw his eyes light up, not a tone but certainly some. I bed him farewell and returned to my room, sitting on my blankets I suddenly felt something I haven't in some time. "Is this weakness? No.. A demon like him can't make me weak! Im the law for gods sake! He means nothing, no one does!!" I sat up and looked in the mirror, that damned golden tear. I hate it so dearly. "i look pathetic with this! How can someone like me be weak? I'm not! I'm not I'm not!" a knock on my door stopped my thoughts, before I could answer I saw the glowing man once again. "When you ran away you dropped this.." he handed me my ring, or one of them so to speak. "Oh, thank you. I didn't realize it was missing, but as I said get to bed. It's quite late-" I couldn't even finish my sentence without him snooping around! He wasnt touching anything, but still it felt wrong. "Hey hey stop that! Do you not know what privacy is!?" he jumped from the sudden yelling. "I'm not touching anything, is it so bad?" I took a minute before I spoke, for once. "Well, it isn't the worst thing.. But still I don't like it!" he turned around and stepped away from my shelf, but up to me. "Judge is it? I am inferno Sonata, it's nice to meet you." he was looking me up and down, though I didn't mind.. "Yes I know, uh Mr Sonata I believe you should go to your room. I'm tired and don't think i need a demon in my room as I sleep." he nodded, then walked away. I suddenly felt something in my heart, some kind of relief? "Does Sonata give me happiness? Have I fallen to such a level I'd be with a demon..?" those thoughts usually kept me up, but my only focus seemed to be inferno. I had such an odd dream that night, I saw him and I slow dancing in the ballroom. No one else was there, so that was a relief. Everything felt okay for once, once in a very long time. I miss him, why did he have to depart at such a young age..?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2022 ⏰

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