- chapter three -

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The next day was the full moon

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The next day was the full moon. To the rest of the Hogwarts students it would be like any other normal school day. But to the Mauraders, it was a day filled with anxiety.

They had a few secrets. The first was that their best friend was a werewolf, and once a month on the night of a full moon, he went to the Shrieking Shack through the passage under the Whomping Willow.

The other secret was that they were animagus. Unregistered animagus. They wanted to help their friend in any way they could. It started off with helping him to the Hospital Wing and getting him food. But when he returned with even more scars, they had enough and decided to do something about it.

They researched about werewolves and found that they wouldn't hurt other animals, and with that information, an idea was formed. Complete the animagus transformation and go out with Remus every full moon as animals.

It was much easier said than done. Remus would've never have allowed them to do something like that for him, so it had to be done in secret.

Again it was much easier said than done. The first step was to hold a mandrake leaf inside your mouth for an entire month without ever taking it out. This was probably the longest step for them as either someone choked on it as they slept and coughed it out or one of them accidentally pulled it out.

And they wanted to do it all at the same time, so if one of them messed up, they all started again. Eventually it worked and managed to hold a mandrake leaf inside for an entire month.

After all the other steps, they become animagi. James was a stag, Sirius a black dog, Peter a rat and Quinn a ferret. By the time that Remus found out, it was too late. The process was already complete.

Every full moon when Madam Pomfrey would take him to the Shrieking Shack. The Mauraders would sneak out.

Peter would turn himself into a rat and tap the certain root of the Whomping Willow that immobilised it for just a few seconds, allowing enough time for James, Quinn and Sirius to go inside.

This full moon was no different. They travelled through the dark halls of the school, and the school grounds and made their way into the shrieking shack.

They hated having to hear Remus' screams whenever he transformed. Having to sit back and hear it, with no way of helping.

Once the worst was over, the group of five animals went out the extra passage that was made big enough for them to travel through. It wasn't very easy for a stag and werewolf to travel through the hole in the Whomping Willow.

Throughout the night, they travelled around the forbidden forest, having fun distracting the werewolf from hurting himself or others.

The next morning, Remus transformed back to his normal self and eventually Madam Pomfrey would come along and take him to the hospital wing.

After she picked him up, the other four would go to the Hospital Wing and stay there for the night.

Quinn walked over to Remus' bed and saw him sleeping as peacefully as a boy who just went through a werewolf transformation could be. She grabbed his hand and sat in the chair next to the bed.

"Thank you" Remus whispered, squeezing her hand.

James woke a few hours later and saw Quinn sitting against Remus' bed, still holding onto his hand, asleep. He got out of bed and crouched down next to her.

"Quinn" He shook her gently "You gotta wake up"

"What time is it?" She asked groggily.

"Nearly breakfast time" He grabbed her hands and pulled her up from the ground and then walked her towards an empty bed.

Quinn laid down on the bed and James pulled a chair closer "Hi"

She smiled "Hi"

"How you feeling?" He asked.

"Tired. You?"

"Good" James whispered. Quinn reached out and brushed a few peices of stray hair that fell in his face.

"Get some sleep and i'll bring some breakfast for when you wake up"

"Thank you" She whispered, falling back asleep.


Sirius, Peter and Remus watched as James placed some toast and juice on the bedside table for Quinn.

"They're both like parents" Sirius whispered to Peter.

"They're literally perfect for eachother" Remus said "I don't understand why they can't just admit it"

"5 galleons for the end of the year" Sirius said suddenly.

"Padfoot don't you dare bet on our friends" Remus slapped his arm.

"10 galleons on the end of seventh year" Peter said and the two shook on it.

Remus looked between his friends and gave up "15 for next year"

Peter and Sirius shared a smirk and fhen shook Remus' hand.

"What's this we're shaking hands over" James interuppted the conversation.

The three threw out some 'nothings' and 'nothing importants' James looked between them suspiciously before turning and waking Quinn up for breakfast.

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