Part 1

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I touch the gold cross that hangs around my neck. Since I was a little girl I have never taken it off. It was a gift from my mom right before she had died. It was the only thing I had left from her. I had a habit of saying a silent prayer and touching my mom's cross when I'm about do some stupid shit... and this was some stupid shit. I look over to the driver side at Blue putting on his black ski mask. "No going back now" I thought to myself as I put on my mask as well. I look out the window to the bank as random strangers walked in and out. I had been here so many times in the last three weeks casing the place, I knew the schedule and building like the back of my hand. " We just have to stick to the plan P, we get in, get the green and we get out". Blue is the only person I let call me P, my mom use to call me that. Everyone else calls me Portia. I pull my bag from the backseat and grab the little handgun Blue had given me, slightly shaking. My nerves were through the roof. I had done some petty shoplifting from stores and malls but armed robbery was a whole new level. Blue grabs his gun and a duffle bag as he exits the car. I do the same, trying to act calm while looking around outside. I walk to the back door of the bank and open the door so Blue can go in first. This wasn't his first time so he wasn't nervous at all. He walked in and pointed his gun around. The back hall was clear, so we made our way to the front, i touch my necklace one last

"EVERYBODY GET THE FUCK DOWN, NOW!" Blue yells as he walks around the bank. One white lady screams as she drops to the ground. I quickly put my gun to the back of the one security guard's head as he slowly lifts his hand off his gun and into the air. "Too slow old man, drop it", I say as he takes it out his holster and throws it to the ground. I grab it and guide him to the floor with my gun still in place. Blue yells "Good girl, I'll go grab the cash and you stay up front and watch the tellers, kill any mother fucker that moves". My heart skips a beat, I have never shot a gun in my life. "Please don't move" I think to myself, I just need this money. I have to leave this stupid city, Memphis just doesn't feel like home to me anymore. I feel my hands start to get warm and palms start to sweat as I walk behind where the tellers are. One of the tellers is a heavier man, he is obviously afraid because he is red in the face and sweating really hard. I'm hoping he doesn't notice that I'm just as afraid. I hear Blue in the back still and I look at my watch. We have only been in here for three minutes but it feels like a century. I yell to the back at him " let's go, it's time!" We planned for less than 5 minutes, In and out. Cops would be on the scene fast if we waited any longer. I turn back and notice one teller has her hand on her desk and before I could even speak, the alarm goes off. My stomach drops as I quickly get to Blue. "Fuck, " he says as he grabs the bag from the floor and pulls me with him. We run to the the back of the bank and out the same back door. We jump in the black truck and blue takes off. I look around but I don't see anyone following us. "I think we straight, I don't see not one cop out here" he says as he finds his way to the highway. I finally exhale not realizing I had been holding my breath for so long. "I can't believe we just did that!" I say as I look at Blue who is still so surprisingly calm. " I told you it's easy P, and I got you. Now we about to go switch this car out and lay low for the next few nights" he says as he continues to drive towards the parking garage. "How much you think we got?" I ask still trying to calm my nerves. "Just from eyeing it, I would say at least a hundred each" he says. My eyes widen, " a hundred th-thousand?" I ask stumbling over my words. "You think I would risk my freedom over a hundred dollars P?" He laughs and I lean back in my chair. I can't believe I just made that much money in less than 5 minutes. I had never seen that much money in my life. It was so fast, so quick, so easy... too easy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2022 ⏰

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