We Can Be Heroes S01 Pt.3-We Can lose favorite memories

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Hey guys this is episode 3 of we can be heroes

(Missy turns and see someone beside her laying on the ground she then knew it was wildcard)

(Missy) WILDCARD!!! What happened to him 

(Fastforward) He saved you 

(Missy was so confused on what fast forward was talking about)

(Missy) What do you mean he saved me?

(Wheels) Will you were kinda almost about to die

(Missy) WHAT!!!

(Acapella) But, he put all his energy and powers into you 

(Missy) But that means…

(Wheels) He’s died yes 

(Missy was so shocked she couldn’t believe that wildcard will risk his life for her)

(Rewind) What’s wrong Missy

(Missy) Nothing it’s just I can’t believe he risk his life for me 

(Noodles) Yep wildcard will do anything for his friends he may seem like he hates us sometimes but really don’t he just have anger issues

(Acapella) And especially you all he talk about 

(Missy) Really? 

(Rewind) Yeah he's always talking about how beautiful and smart you are 

(Wheels) And that he'll do anything for you

(Missy) He really said that 

(Acapella) yeah when we're at home all he do is talk about you non-stop 

(After that the doctor came in and told them that there still might be hope for wildcard and Missy was so happy to see that he will be okay after that the doctor said she'll be back and then she left)

(Missy) thank goodness he's okay I wouldn't know what to do If he wasn't 

(Facemaker)why do you say that?

(Missy) I don't know I guess I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to any of you guys because I wouldn't know what to do 

(The team) awww 

(Missy) After all you guys did accept me as your leader and made me feel like I finally belonged somewhere in this world 

(The doctor came back inside)

(Doctor) Sorry to enterupt but here give this to him that should help him get better and wake him up

(Missy) thanks 

(Doctor) No problem 

(The doctor leaves)

(Missy) Okay wheels give him the shot 

(Wheels) Okay, you guys might want to backup

(Facemaker) Why?

(Wheels) I don't know y'all know how wildcard is about shots 

(Everyone looks up and remembered the last time he got a shot everyone shivers)

(Rewind) Yeah I think I'm going to backup 

(Everyoneles) yeah

(Wheels gives wildcard a shot when he gave wildcard the shot wildcard jumped out of the bed and started punching and kicking everyone but then guppy started to go into a shark frenzy and he stopped because he got scared)

(Guppy) Don't you dare hit me again I'm only 5 

(Wildcard) Sorry guppy but that's what you get when you guys try to give me a shot

(Missy runs up to wildcard and hug him wildcard was so confused)

(Missy) I'm glad your okay!!

(Wildcard) I'm sorry but do I know you?

(Missy) What? 

(Missy was so confused on why he said that what she didn't know was he lost his memory)

(Wildcard) do I know you?

(Rewind) Dude what are you talking about? It's Missy the girl you talk about 24/7 

(Acapella) About how beautiful she is and smart she is

(Guppy) and that she's the only one that gets you

(Wildcard) Nope doesn't ring a bell 

(Facemaker) Come on dude you talk about her 24/7 

(Wildcard tried to remember bit he just couldn't)

(Wildcard) I'm sorry I'm trying to remember but I just can't I'm sorry

(Missy) It's okay I'm fine

(The doctor came in)

(Doctor) Is everything okay?

(Noodles) No wildcard can't remember Missy and he always talking about her about how pretty and smart she is

(Doctor) Oh I see what it is

(Slo-mo) what?

( Doctor) Well… 

(Noodles) What is it? 

(Doctor) Wildcard lost all his memories of Missy

(Missy) What!?


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