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"Yeah man, this bitch won't get me a drink,"

"I think you had a few too many," I said as I felt the presence beside me, the soft touch of a hand on my lower back.

"Peter, apologise, that's rude," Caxon said and I looked up at him sighing. "Are you part of this party dinner?" I asked.

He nodded, "Where's your boss. I'll be having to ask you all to leave."

Caxon nodded his blue eyes twinkling, "I understand. We're done anway, I'll go get Denis," he said disappearing and I watched as he tapped on the shoulder of another man, talking briefly before they both walked back to me.

Man I hated this part of the job.

"Miss Kierra!" I winced as Caxon looked at me. There goes my real name.

"How pleasant to see you again. My colleague just told met he issue, I apologize. I shall pay for the damaged cutlery. And we will leave now," I felt a presence beside me to look at Akhil who finally someone found.

He smiled, "I'll take him, you're shift finished an hour ago why are you still here?" he asked as Denis briefed all his guests that it was time to go back to their hotel rooms.


"Don't worry about it. I'll get Anjali to put it in the fridge, you've been here from four, go home,"

I nodded turning around. I could feel eyes staring at my back and I didn't need to turn around to know who it was. Going back to the kitchen I removed my over clothes putting them into the wash basket, everyone had three pairs of over aprons which covered majority of your clothes keeping them safe, and they got washed every day so you have a clean one ready for the day after.

Brushing the small icing off my black jeans I grabbed my coat and jacket from the locker room, slipping them on before I rushed to leave before Caxon found me.

But it wasn't my lucky day.

He was standing right outside the staff door and I sighed, there went my futile attempt of escaping.

"Kierra huh?"

I looked at him before shrugging and walking towards the main door, "I don't tell strangers my real name,"

"But you sleep with them,"

I winced as I stepped out into the cold air and it wasn't because of the wind.

"I'm sorry, that was uncalled for," he said grabbing my wrist, "I was just really annoyed when I woke up to realise you had left,"

I pulled my wrist back looking back to see if anyone inside side and then placed my hands into my pocket and walked fast. Caxon surprisingly caught up with me.

"Look, it was a one night stand, what did you expect,"

"I don't want it to be a one night stand. I like you."

I scoffed, that's what they all say,"The sex or me, because I don't remember a lot of talking,"

"Well I do, in the hot tub. You actually were engrossed in that conversation," I felt my cheeks heat up. "That was because you said our football sucked. It doesn't! Yours does," I said feeling the subject rise. I hated it when someone made fun of our sport.

He chuckled, the familiar sound as he grabbed my arm, stopping me at the end of the street. I sighed turning around and watched as he brushed a strand hair. Which probably wasn't even there, my hair was in a bun.

"Come back with me?"

"Caxon, it was a one night thing. I told you, I don't do relationships. And even if I did, you will be going back to the states and I live here. It doesn't work out. It was a one time thing," I said hoping he would get the message. His hand ran up and down my arm making me surprisingly warm.

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