Chapter Twenty Five

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Detective Sawamura had just returned to the station after his talk with Hajime. He was despondent, no one knew where Kaito and his three friends were. He felt deep down that at least one of them was involved in Toorus disappearance, he just didn't know which one.

Officer Takahashi entered the room carrying the case files that they had put together and sat down on a chair opposite his boss. "We're obviously missing something Sir, but I have no idea what it is. I've looked through these files so many times but nothing is jumping out. What do you think we should do?"

"We need to look at the four friends backgrounds. We need to see if they have access to any property that we didn't know about because they could have Tooru. You take Kaito and Nishimura and I'll look into Takagi and Suzuki" the Detective finished. Takahashi walked out of the Detectives office and back to his own desk to see if he could uncover any clues.

The first file that Sawamura picked up was Suzuki's. Okay, he thought, let's see what you're hiding Itachi. He began to make notes -

SUZUKI ITACHI - 20 year old model.
Lives alone in a Penthouse in Tokyo that was bought by parents.
Only child of Suzuki Kojiro and Suzuki Hayami
Parents are billionaires, money no object for their only child
Kojiro (Father) owns several homes and businesses around world
Hayami (Mother) owns alot of property. Was left her mothers home in Miyagi when she passed away.

Sawamura did a check on the property and found that the last tenants left 2 weeks previously and no one was currently living there. Why had Suzuki never mentioned that he had access to a property that was nearer to the town than Nishimura's house was. He wrote the address down, stood and grabbed his jacket but before he could leave his phone rang.

"Hello, this is Sawamura, who is calling?" "Detective Sawamura, it's Nishimura." "Where the hell are you? We've been looking for you four" the detective growled. "Please just listen to me. I think Suzuki took Tooru and is keeping him at an address in town" the man responded. "How do you know? Are you all involved in this?" Sawamura asked.

Nishimura sighed, "on the night of Tooru's disappearance I was suffering from a severe migraine. After taking my medication I became nauseous and pulled over to vomit. As I was trying to get my bearings I noticed Tooru on a swing in the park so I began to walk over to him to check that he was okay and I must have blacked out because the next thing I remember is waking up in bed the following day."

" That's very convenient isn't it. Blacking out at the same time as someone goes missing" the detective replied cynically. "I have a medical condition and I give you permission to check my medical files but that isn't all. Over the last few days my memory has started to return from that night and today I remembered Suzuki hitting Tooru over the head at the park and knocking him unconscious and putting in the back of a van with a large older man that I've never seen before".

"Ok, will you testify to that when we catch him?" the detective asked. "Yes, but I'm currently outside the house, I followed him here and I'm going in to get Tooru" the man replied. "No wait, is this the address xxxxxx" Sawamura asked. "Yes that's it. I'm going in" Nishimura replied and then his phone went dead.

"Fuck, Takahashi hurry. We have a lead" Sawamura shouted whilst running out of the building followed closely behind by the officer.

The drive was at break neck speed, the car hurtling through the streets. Takahashi held on for dear life, his knuckles turning white as his fingers dug into the seat. They were at the address in half the time it should have taken and both men leaped out of the car brandishing their weapons.

"This is the Police" Takahashi shouted, "put your weapons down and come out with you hands behind your heads". There was no answer. The men cleared each room, one after the other until they came to the last one.

Both men sunk to their knees when they saw the two battered and blood soaked bodies laying sprawled on the floor, with no sign of Tooru.

"Nooooooo" shouted Sawamura, "why couldn't you have waited Nishimura.

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