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Deku p.o.v
  I've always said that I wanted to be a hero.. Up until middle school, that's when Kachaan started to bully me for being quirkless. Of course he had always made fun of me and teased me, but those where the little things, and I didn't really think much of it. In middle school it all changed though. I started to notice how mean he really could be.
  People always say that personalities are always like or similar to their quirk, I finally started to realize that with Kachaan.
  In middle school I still said that I wanted to be a hero, but I didn't actullay mean it. When I said that I meant I wanted to kill heroes and defeat them. I always knew that would be hard for me tho since I was quirkless. So in 6th grade I had started to do some training with knives. I would tell my mom that I was going out with friends, then I would go out to the woods where I had targets to practice with knives. It was a woods where most people weren't familiar with.
  In the 7th grade when I was throwing knives, I heard a chuckle followed by the sound of "mushing guts". Normally I heard that sound before, not the laughter, but just the guts, I didn't really think much of it since I thought it was just birds dying, from falling from trees.
  I went over to see who was theirs, and what they where doing. I started following where the voice was coming from, soon enough I found a girl who looked about the same age as me. She had blond hair with bangs, and yellow eyes, with a psychopath type smile that had sharp teeth. I looked down to see what she was holding, to find out she was holding a dead squirrel? She made eye contact with me, and I asked her what she was doing here. She replied with "getting they quenching taste of blood" she said it with a sort of chuckle. Then she asked what I was doing, as I replied that I was practicing throwing aim.
  Wait that uniform looks familiar! Why would she still be wearing her uniform, it's 5:30, school got at 3:20. Im guessing that on her way home she had just cam to the woods making sure no one followed her so Tebet wouldn't think she's weird. Cause I'm pretty sure everyone thinks she's weird, including me. I asked her why she was sucking the blood out of a squirrel, she looked down and put the squirrel behind her back, she had sort of a shocked face. I ask here "so why do are you doing that to the squirrel", I asked again but just worded differently. She responded don't worry about it and ran away, laughed then ran away.
  The next day, which was a Friday, I showed up to the woods again, mostly hoping to find that blonde girl. I went out to where she was yesterday and saw a few dead animals with a trail of blood. Of course I would follow that trail, who wouldn't. Anyways I saw the blondie sitting at the top of a tree. I yelled at her saying "HEY ITS THE BOY FROM YESTERDAY", she climbed down from the tree and approached me. I smiled and said "I never got your name, what is it :)", she said that her name was Toga Himiko, but to just call her Toga. I asked her about what happened yesterday, then she sighed sounding like she was going to tell me her whole backstory. Unsurprisingly she did exactly that. She started of by saying she got made fun of because of her quirk, and that people thought she was gross and disgusting, so she was left out in everything and didn't really fit in. I don't really like listening to back stories but this was actually pretty interesting,so I payed very close attention.
  Later after having a "different" conversation, and telling her my backstory, she asked me if I had any friends. Of course I said I didn't have friends, because it true, I don't have any friends. She had a huge smile on her face and said " well now you can tell everyone you have one friend", I smiled back and said " you can do the same". I'm guessing that meant where both friends now. I told her I had to go home, and she said she should do the same, we told each other we would hangout on Sunday because we where both busy on Saturday. I was going to Kachaan's house because my mom and Kachaan's mom wanted to hang out, which I'm not excited about but you know. Anyways Toga said that she was going to the mall with her mom.
  On Sunday I told my mom that I was hanging out with friends, which for the first time, wasn't a lie. She sent me off bye giving me a kiss, hug, and telling me to be safe. When I got to the woods I started looking around for Toga. This time I found her next to my targets, which was questionable because I never really told her where my targets where, but I figured  she new they where mine. I said hello to here and she came to me saying that my targets looked like knives targets, I responded saying that they are. She didn't looked surprised, but asked me if I had any knives with me to try it out. I said yes and let her try it. And with shock she got a bullseye on the hardest target second try. The first try she missed and hit a bird, which I think she meant to do on purpose, but I guess that's alright. Not judging but she kind of looks like the type to have those abilities.
  Earlier the night before I had wondered something about her, so I decided to ask her about it. I asked her "have you ever thought about killing someone, it didn't matter which type of way", she said back to me " a little of a weird question, and I trust you enough not to tell anyone but yes."

Little did I know, but that was the start to everything...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2022 ⏰

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