Why Is It Always You...?

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Id awaken with a woozy head for some reason, so I tried to take deep breaths to calm it down or to try to soothe it, but no success. I get up from the bed and my vision starts to fade as I collapse to the ground. It was about an hour later that I woke up in a hospital, it was clean and bright but I felt anything but bright and clean... I felt dark and mucky. As I turn to the left I see my sister BlackBerry, even though I'm her older brother, she still takes care of me and the rest of us. I ask her what happened and she responds with "I... I don't know actually, I just rushed upstairs after I heard a 'thump' coming from your room." Gosh, I feel stupid letting my little sister look after me 24/7. As I sit upwards in an attempt to get up, I feel a sharp pain I'm my head, and back. I try to conceal the pain as I lie back down and try to rest my body more. My sister looks at me with worry-ful eyes, most likely wondering what had just happened, and what happened in the room. I turn to her and gave her a reassuring smile so she knows that I'll be alright. "I'd get some rest if I were you, you never know if you might need it till it's too late." "Alright, alright" I respond to my sister with a joking tone. As I lay down and doze off, I wonder how the others are doing. I wake up the next day feeling a lot better, turns out I was just hungover from the other night and I guess it was pretty bad adding the fact that my body gets sensitive to those sort of things. As I get ready for school I can already hear Snowy's never ending questions like "Where were you yesterday?!" or "I thought you were dead dude what happened?" She might curse here and there but now I have to focus on getting to school on time. As I arrive to school, I head over to 2nd period, as it was a B day (period 2, 4, 6, 8), and I open the doors in a struggling manner, barely able to keep myself together! "You're late again King." I stood silent as I walked to the teacher and handed her the late pass. By the way, if you haven't noticed, my last name is "King" I know it's weird but it isn't like I can magically change it so easily. As I go to sit down I slip on a pencil and crash to the ground. "I don't remember that pencil here" I think to myself as sudden realization hit me. I glare at Tundra with a angry look. "Oh nO tHe LiTtLe BaBy gOt hURt! Waaah Waaah." I could tell he was mocking me but I waited till after class. In the middle of class Tundra looks at me with a grimacing smile of evil, I knew this wouldn't be good for me so I ask the teacher to go to the bathroom to wait out his shenanigans. A few minutes passed and the  I hear the bathroom door open *creeeaaak* I quickly face the door and see Tundra standing there smiling. I stare in fear knowing whatever he does, even if I tell someone, they won't believe me since he is "sO INnOCeNT" I stare him down trying to hide the fear, when he lunges at me and tackles me to the floor. I look at him, helplessly on the floor as I back away into a stall, trying to buy time. As I stare at the floor wondering if he would ever leave me alone, he grabs my by my hair and yanks me up, no hair came out luckily, but it hurt like hell. He looks me dead in the eyes and sends fear into my body. He let's go and grabs my arm as he drags me, and proceeds to throw me at the wall next to the sink, he looked dissappointed as if he wanted me to hit the sinks but I was frozen in fear. As I build up bravery and courage, I stand up, and give him the best stare down I could, he, of course, does it back. I start walking toward him without fear, and my mind going blank, I grab him and throw him at the sink, I forgot which one at the time, till I saw the few chunks that broke off the sink, as Tundra sat next the the sink in shock, he clutches his arm where he got hit, and ran to the nurse's office. Moments later I got called In and I see Tundra, Tabor, the nurse, and the principle.

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