Chapter 2.

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"Leo, Ria! Time for bed!" An adult with (h/l) (h/c) hair, and (e/c) eyes calls out to the two children from the patio, the children giggle and begin their race to the house.

"Zaza, can you please tell the rest of your story tonight?" Leo asks, tugging on his parent's sleeve

"I don't know, it's getting late and it looks like your cousin here is getting sleepy." Leo's Zaza replies, closing the door behind the children, Leo pouts and pinches his cousin's arm, making her jolt up

"Ay! That hurt, Leo!" Ria glares, rubbing her arm, Leo puts on an innocent expression and gestures to Ria

"See? They're wide awake. Please Zaza? You said you would tell the rest of it tonight!" Leo begins to make puppy dog eyes at his parent, the adult stiffens, already knowing they can't resist those eyes.

They sigh in defeat "fine, you win. Mi pequeño bribón. Now both of you get into bed before I change my mind." Leo's Zaza agrees and the two cousins scurry off to Leo's room

After they tuck themselves into bed Leo's Zaza comes in and sits down on the side,

"Titi, what story are you gonna tell us?" Ria asks curiously, loosely holding her stuffed bunny in her arms

"The story of how Zaza became a part of the Madrigals!" Leo answers for his Zaza, Ria gives a shocked expression, then turns to the story teller

"So it's true you're from another Miracle?" Ria asks, both children sit up, and the adult cracks a smug grin

"Yep, and between you and me, I got the best gift." they whisper, but apparently not quite enough because they hear an offended gasp from behind them

"Mi amor! How could you say such a thing, (Y/n)? My gift is clearly superior, I mean look at this!" Leo's Pá says, shapeshifting into everyone in the room, then back into himself.

"All that and you still forgot to turn the stove off." (Y/n) smirks, seeing how their partner freezes completely


"Mierda" Leo's Pá mutters before running off, the children laugh at the interaction between the lovers. After a few second he comes back and jumps on the bed, causing the children to laugh harder

"I will forgive you for what you said if you continue the story from last night." he says pointing his index finger at (Y/n), causing them to roll their eyes at their husband's antics

"Alright, now where was I? Ah...

I walked through the town, everyone I passed stared at me in shock and confusion, since it was such a small town, everyone knew everyone. So when they saw someone they had no clue of, people began to get nervous, "who are they?" "¿Cómo llegaron aquí?" "what do they want?" they asked each other, and soon enough, the news reached the leader of the town. Señora Alma Madrigal. As I was buying some food from a shop, She walked up to me and asked me to follow her. I took one look at her and knew who she was, and her intentions with me. I followed her and soon we were at the main building of the town, it wasn't like the other houses in the town, this one had come alive.

"Casita!" the cousins shout joyously

"Sí, Casita, Camilo. don't." (Y/n) chuckles, slapping their partners hand away when he tries to tickle them.

"Ay! Bien, bien! no eres divertido." Camilo pouts massaging his sore hand


Señora Alma and I walked into Casita and we were met with the rest of the Madrigals waiting. As soon as they saw us they ran up to me and started asking me questions, where I was from, how I found this place, and many other questions about me and the outside world. I told them who I was and that I was from another miracle land. Which shocked them, they asked me if I had I gift


"Yep, I have the gift of Infinite knowledge. And yes, I knew you were going to ask that." I said, interrupting a tall woman with a strong build. She had tan skin, hazel eyes, and her brown hair was tied up in a bun held by a red ribbon. She wore a shirt colored white and short-sleeved, with a red ribbon at the top. and a long indigo skirt, with dark purple and pink stripes at the bottom. She also had bracelets with the left being red and denim and the right being red denim and yellow, her shoes were dark blue with two dark blue ankle straps. Her name was Luisa Madrigal. The others stared at me in shock, still trying to comprehend that there were more gifted children that weren't from their home.

"Does your 'infinite knowledge'-"

"No, I cannot see into the future or look into the past. But I can make an accurate statement of what could happen if certain decisions are made. In other words, I am exceptional with strategy." I answer, interrupting a boy with a slender build, light golden-brown complexion, curly, dark auburn hair, and hazel eyes. He wore a white long-sleeved shirt with the sleeves rolled up and his collar unbuttoned, a yellow ruana with darker yellow streaks, black pants and black sandals with white etchings. His name was Camilo Madrigal

He looked offended that I had cut him off but I just stared blankly, another kid, a girl tilted her head in curiosity, "so you know every question we're going to ask?" the girl questioned. Everyone began to look confused on why I let her finish and not the other two.

I raise my arm and point to her, "you're now my favorite." I said bluntly without answering her question, everyone's jaws slacked in offence, "Mirabel-?"

"Yes. Because less information about her is poured heavily into my brain unlike you magical folk. Her role in this family is undecided and... it seems like she doesn't want me to continue." I finished as I saw her lightly shaking her head.

I shrugged my shoulders and casually walked up the stairs that had just formed, everyone's eyes follow my movement and they stare in confusion, "wait- where are you going?" Mirabel asked

As I got closer to the top of the stairs a door started form at the end of the right hall, Alma looked more visibly confused and shocked than any of the other Madrigals, the candle's flame that sat on her window sill began to grow and brighten and when I opened my door it went back to it original size. I walked in with a blank face and closed the door. Not caring on explaining what had just happened with their Miracle.

My door from home followed me here and appeared on Casita's wall, because my power, my gift is attached to the structure, as well as me, so wherever I go, so does the magical room.

That's the simplest way to put it for you folk, I could go into more detail but my body needs rest after traveling all the way across Colombia.

To Be Continued...

(Sorry if my español isn't the best.)

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