Day 1 : Confessions

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Nova wakes up and gets ready for the biggest day of his life. Today, he will be getting his number, not a person's number but a different kind of number. When someone reaches their 18th birthday, they get a certain number. Nova hopes for at least a couple months for something.  He gets out of bed and goes over to his closet. 

He pulls out a pair of jeans, a t-shirt and then a red flannel shirt. He quickly makes his bed and grabs his bag. He puts it on, the strap on his left shoulder and the bag part on his right hip. He goes to his door and slips his shoes on. He grabs his keys and then leaves. He locks the door behind him and then heads towards the stores. He hates that he has so much on his shoulders.

 He holds a lot of things in. He feels his phone buzz in the bag and pulls it out. He frown at the text from his sister. It says 'I got my days!' Nova feels his heart sink. 'How many days?' He watches as the three bubbles that mean she's typing go up and down. 'I got six months!' 

Nova smiles. 'That's great, btw, happy birthday!' He waits and smiles. 'Happy birthday twin! How many days did you get?' Nova doesn't want to tell her. 'I got six months too...' He puts his phone away and bumps into something.

"Oh, Sorry." Nova looks up at the voice and blushes. It's a person, more specifically, his crush. Nova fixes his bag and smiles. "It's fine" Nova says as his crush looks at him. "Oh, I heard some people talking about it being your birthday... happy birthday!" 

His crush says as he wraps his arms around him and Nova freezes. This can't be happening. He feels the arms pull away and then Nova looks up. "Thanks, Calum... see you around..." Nova goes to leave, but Calum stops him. "How many days did you get?", Calum says as he keeps his hand on Nova's arm. "Six months..." 

Nova knows he shouldn't lie and just tell Calum while they are alone. "That's great... I only got a couple weeks..." Nova looks at him. "Oh.... I'm sorry..." Calum lets go of Nova's arm and they stand there. "See you around..." Nova turns and goes to leave. "Hey... wait..." Calum turns around and faces him again. 

"I lied.... I don't have six months... I only have a couple weeks too..." Calum looks at him. "How many days..." Nova looks at him and sighs. "28 days..." Calum looks at him. "That's only a month..." Nova nods. "Yeah... I want to do so many things and only have 28 days..." 

"Well, start today and make a 28 day bucket list..." Nova smiles. "That's a good idea..." "Okay, so off the top of your head, what's the first thing you want to do..." Nova blushes and looks at him. "I already thought about my first day..." Nova smiles and Calum looks at him. "What is it?" Nova looks a him and moves closer. 

"Calum... I know we don't know each other very well... we only have one class together... but for the past couple months, I've found myself crushing on you..." Calum looks at him and tilts his head. "Yeah?" Nova nods. "Yeah I really do have a crush on you... w-would it be okay..." Calum smiles and leans in closer. "Be okay to what?" 

looks at him with a blush across his face and whines. "I j-just wanted to let y-you know I l-like you... a lot..." Calum smiles and pats his cheek. "Well, I like you a lot too.. from the first time I saw you in Biology, I knew I liked you..." Nova blushes and smiles. "So..." Calum smiles and ruffles Nova's hair. "Can I kiss you, Nova?" Nova feels his face warm up and he nods. "Yeah..."

Calum leans down and kisses Nova. Nova kisses back. Nova is the first to pull away and he smiles. Calum smiles too. "So, that's day one out of 28..." Nova smiles. "Couldn't ask for a better start..." Calum wraps his arm around Nova's shoulders and they walk away from the school. 

"Where are we going?" "We only have a month to be together. I want to make the most of it...Mind hanging out at my house for a while?" "Not at all... how about your parents..." "It's my own house, not the best but good enough... it has everything you need to live..." 

Nova smiles and leans on Calum a little. "Do you think we're still alive in another timeline? Like we don't have a number or anything..." Calum looks at him. "I think there are millions of us out there." Nova smiles. "Do you think other versions of us get together?" Calum smiles. 

"They'd be stupid if they didn't end up together." After all, they only have a couple weeks together.

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