Day 2 : Say Yes Day

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Nova wakes up beside Calum and smiles. "Morning..." "Morning Nova... I got some ideas for the next couple of days..." Nova turns on his side and sighs. "What are they?" "Well, today I was thinking, no matter what you ask for, the answer is always yes..." Nova looks at him. "Really?" 

"Yeah, I was thinking, we could go out and go places, if you see something, the answer's yes..." Nova smiles and sits up. "So, if I asked anything... the answer's yes?" "Yeah, basically, I'll answer with yes, yeah and sure..." Nova hugs him and kisses his cheek. 


They gets dressed and have breakfast in the kitchen. "Calum, can I call you something else?" Calum looks at him and tilts his head. "Sure..." Nova feels his face warming up. "C-Can  I call you D-Daddy?" Calum inhales a few droplets of his orange juice and starts coughing. 

Nova starts laughing and his ribs starts hurting. Calum looks at him and covers his mouth as he continues to cough. "I-I was just kidding..." Calum looks at him. "Let's say away from the sex things..." Nova looks at him and blushes. "O-Okay..." 

They eat their breakfast and Calum washes the dishes. Nova looks at him. "Can you kiss me?" Calum smiles and leans over. He kisses Nova and Nova blushes. Nova kisses back and feels wet hands cup his face. He pulls away, laughing. Calum smiles. 

"I have a bunch of things in mind, but I don't know if you'll like them..." "What are they?" "Well, we only have 26 days left. I was thinking, later on, could we start sexual days..." Nova blushes. and looks away. Calum dries his hands and goes over. 

"We don't have to, we don't need to have sex at all, I want you to be comfortable..." Nova looks up. "Today is say yes day..... want to start t-that on the tenth and to it everyday until the twenty-seventh..." Calum looks at him. "Just tell me whenever you are  uncomfortable or want to stop..." 

Nova nods. "yes... I will..." Calum smiles and wraps his arms around Nova's waist. "So let's take a couple days and get tested and then  we can spend the first couple of days enjoying life then we can move on..." Nova smiles and leans up to kiss him. Calum leans down and kisses him. 

"Okay, how about we order some takeout, each take a shower then we can watch a movie?" Nova smiles. "Okay... What're we getting?" "I was thinking Chinese food..." Nova goes to say something but his stomach rumbles. Nova blushes and looks at Calum. Calum chuckles. 

"I'll go pick it up, How about you go shower and get into something comfy... what do you want?" Sweet and Sour Chicken fingers, please..." "Okay, I'll grab a couple more things too..." Nova nods and feels Calum press his lips to his forehead. 

Nova sees Calum leave and he heads to the bedroom. He grabs a pair of boxers and one of Calum's shirts. He also grabs a pair of sweatpants and heads towards the shower.


"Nova... I'm back.." He hears the shower still running. He goes to the door and knocks. "Nova?" "I got our food..." The water turns off and the door cracks open. "I-I'll be out in a couple minutes..." Calum smiles. "Okay... it'll be on the table.." Nova smiles and shuts the door.


Nova goes and sees his food sitting on the table. He grabs it and joins Calum on the couch. Calum looks over and sees Nova wearing his shirt and smiles. They eat in a comfortable silence. Nova sees Calum get up and go to the kitchen. "I got a couple extra things..." "Like what?" 

"I got boneless ribs and a order of crab Rangoon." Nova gets up and makes his way to the kitchen. "I'm gonna put mine away..." Calum looks at him. "Okay... I'm gonna go shower..." Nova smiles and nods.


Nova lays in bed and thinks over the next couple of days. Calum wants to start getting physical after a couple days. Nova feels footsteps and looks at the door. "Hey... you thinking about something?" Nova shakes his head. "It's nothing..." "If you're thinking about it, it must be..." 

Nova sighs. "I-I'm just nervous..." "About?" "A-After the first c-couple days..." Calum catches on and smiles. "This is from when I was saying about having sex.... we can always wait..." "Calum... we only have a couple days..." Calum frowns a little and nods. "Only when you're comfortable..." 

Nova nods. "Okay... lay with me?" Calum smiles. "Yes..." "Cuddle?" "Yeah..." "Kiss?" Calum chuckles. "Yeah..." Nova smiles. Calum goes over and lays down next to him. Calum cuddles him close and gives him a kiss. "Night..." Nova yawns. "Night.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2022 ⏰

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