Ch- 5 The Journey

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Percy POV:

I set off on my journey at dawn, and yeah, I was scared. Alaska is the forbidden land my powers won't work there.

"Unless they will" An ancient and powerful voice whispered in my head. "Who are you" I shouted in the empty atmosphere.

Suddenly with a black and purple vortex came a tall man that radiated raw power. I was SHOCKED to see the one and only Lord Chaos.

" Lord Chaos," I said Calmly.

"You are truly a different one, you didn't bow to me," he said with a snicker.

He continued "Alright let's cut to the chase, you're the first Olympian that can use their power in Alaska" then he vanished

Wait what just happened, I got visited by the most powerful person in the universe and I can use my powers in Alaska.

Alrighty let's move, I was tired of walking and running so I just flashed off to the gates of Alaska, as soon as I reached Alaska, I felt a rush of power coming up to me, now I understood what chaos said, Alaska is my domain...


I walked aimlessly in the lands of Alaska trying to understand what to do next. Then I suddenly thought that Aether and Hemera were helping us in this war but they are asleep right now so we need a sense of power to wake them up.

WOW, smart Percy.

In Greek class at camp, we had learned that Aether used a spear in battle that was immensely filled with the power of light.

Yes, that's it the spear of Light, with that Aether, will rise and with the help of Aether, Hemera will rise and the second line meant this only that with the help of the spear Olympus will withstand and fight to victory and the spear was here in Alaska.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2022 ⏰

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