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I sat there itching my arm in nervousness as I watched the teacher find a place for Nico to sit.

'He knows my true feelings so he can't sit by me'

'I know him from somewhere buf I don't know where'

I stared at him trying to figure it out I examined his appearance with his black shaggy messy hair,his pale skin and his black obsidian eyes with blue speckd.

'Nope I don't know him'

I was brought out of my thinking when someone slammed their hand on my desk I jumped and looked up to see......

'James Reynolds'

"Selene please raise your hand"

I did as I was asked and Nico came and sat by me.

'Ugh just my rotten luck'
After Science
I walked down the hallway while talking with Nico about Italy.

"So have you ever been"

"Well I used to live there when I was 10 but I don't remember anything from then have you?"


"How is it"


I heard someone running down the hall so I turned around to get hugged rather tightly by Ana.


"Hehe sorry"

"Wow your strong"

I started itchy my arm again I don't know why I just had an instinct that something bad was gonna happen.

"Are you ok here let me check your arm"

"No I'm fine"

"Something might be wrong I mean it looks like your scratching the skin off your arm"

"She's right you know"

Autimatically I stopped itching my arm and looked at him.

"It's you"


"You were the boy from my dream"

'How did I not notice before I'm so stupid'

"Your not stupid"

'I said that out loud'

"Yes you said that out loud"

"Oh sorry"

"Are you ok"


Then I felt the ground start shaking and a loud banging noise coming from down the hall.

I stopped and turned to look down the hall and saw something big with horns and it smelled so badly.


They both said as they both pulled out a sword Nico sword was black as night and Ana sword was brighter than the sun but look liked it changes colors.

They fought off the minotaur with each other and they were a pretty good team.

Soon the minotaur was getting mad and Ana screamed something that I was thinking.


We all ran out the school and started to run to my apartment building and ran up the stairs.

We got to my door and now I just had to find my key so I went searching through my purse.


Once I found it after ten minutes I opened the door quick and we all ran in but me I went to my room.

I grabbed my book bag and made all my stuff fit in it since it wasn't really that hard.

Once I was finished I went to the living room and we left but not before I grabbed the car keys. When we got in the car I just had to ask.


"Remember that Greek mythology class your dad made us take in 5th grade"


"All that stuff is real"

"Say what now"

"Greek and Roman gods are real and so is all the hero's and us three are demi-gods"

'I'm a demi-god'

The Half Moon(a Nico di Angelo love story)Where stories live. Discover now