Chapter 1

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a/n: Guys, this is a story about a GIRL. This person in the beginning is NOT Gerard. Sorry for the confusion! Love you! <333
   alsoo: This chapter contains foul language, mentions of abuse, smut, blood, self harm, and murder! enjoii ^~^

Murderer. That's what I am. A cold blooded killer, they call me. No one knows who I am, so I'm called Kitty. I think these stupid cat ears and tail have something to do with that.

I don't remember much of my past. Only the worst parts. So let's see, where can I start? I was that 'stupid, useless cat' growing up. Everyone hated me because I was different. I cut away all of my pain wanting to die, but never having the guts to actually do so.

My dad kicked me out of his house when I turned six. My mom abused me until I was fourteen, and I started living with my aunt, who turned me in to her own personal slave.

When I first started living with her, I made a friend. He studied psychology and tried to help me with my cutting problem. Every time he asked me why I liked it, I would tell him the same thing. 'I like seeing the blood flood over and spill down my body.' I liked the pain too, but not as much as the blood. It was unexplainable how much I loved it.

After a while, I told him about a different problem I had. I told him how I would always think about killing people. How I would think about every last detail of what I am going to do or see. Whenever I brought it up, he would say it was normal. I would explain that this wasn't the normal thoughts that just anyone gets because I could feel it. I could feel that something was wrong, but he didn't believe me.

My first kill was later that year. I killed my brother. He was so nice to me, I don't know why I did it. But seeing all of the blood that I caused to spill out on to the floor made me forget about anything and everything. His teary, vacant eyes didn't even bother me.

His stupid face won't get out of my mind. He had this look on his face screaming 'why would you do this?' I'm going to fucking kill him again if he doesn't get out of my head!

I bring the knife down and make a deep cut on my thigh. Shit. I can't be doing this now.

I went to see my friend with a bloody knife that night. "Why did you give in?" he screamed at me. "I cannot believe you did this! To your own brother! Give me that." He reached for my knife. But instead of giving it to him, I made a big cut in the centre of his palm and ran away. After that, I never saw him again.

Three years later, and here I am. A seventeen year old killer who people only know of because they've seen my shadow.

Walking down a dark alley, I see a couple. 'Looks like double kill tonight.' I think, smiling to myself. Gross, it smells like they just came out of a dirty strip club. Or it's this dumpster I'm hiding behind. I chuckle to myself. This is not the time. Sighing, I get up to start walking over there, but they already left. Damn it! Cutting my thigh again, I think that I really need to find someone, anyone, to fucking kill before I go insane or possibly cut myself until I black out again.

After hours of searching for someone to finally come out and play, I find my toy.

I had my ears patted down to my head and my tail wrapped around my upper body. My knife was tucked in to my shoe, which was really hard to do as that is one big knife, and every piece of clothing I own sticks to me. Not counting my sweatshirt.

Of course, he's drunk. Oh well, easier to influence. I walk up to him. "Um, excuse me sir, but I think I'm lost" I say with big, puppy eyes.

"Get out of here, kid. I don't know where mommy is." I frown at that. Bitch. Getting really close to him, I push him on a wall and drag my hands down his body.

"Aww, come on. I'm sure you're at least nice enough to tell me where the main road is." I try to convince him, swirling my finger around his nipple. "Oh, wow! You're shirt is soo soft." Rubbing my hands all over his torso, I put my face against his chest, listening to his heartbeat.

"Okay baby. What do I get if I help you?" Hiding my long tail behind my back, I take his hands and rub them up my sides, under my sweatshirt.

"I'll let you do anything you want to me." Smirking, I bite his neck. Now I can really feel his heartbeat! I'm so excited for what I'm about to do! The man grabs my ass and grinds his dick on me like he hasn't gotten any in a week. Poor guy. No wonder though. He's so damn ugly.

I sink down to my knees. Unzipping his pants and seeing he wasn't wearing any underwear to begin with, I take his cock into my mouth. He grabs the back of my head, pulling my hair, and fucking my face. This is when I get my knife out. I moan around him and drag the sharp point up his leg. He seems too far gone to notice.

I pull all the way off, licking up his shaft, and through his slit. I have the knife by his knee now. Show time. I swirl my tongue around the head and stand up, grabbing his dick so he doesn't whine. My tail comes out first, then I let him see my ears. He had the look of pure horror on his face that I love to see. Here comes the fun part!

"Meow." I laugh and run my thumb over his slit, letting him feel the knife right next to his penis. This man is absolutely speechless. I want to know what's going on in his head right now, because I am having a tough time not laughing. Dragging the knife up to his stomach, I make a deep cut, then stab. One, two, three.. I lost count, stabbing all over his body and in his heart. AND last but not least, slit his throat.

Getting up and looking my work over, I sigh. Glad to have made a kill tonight. I stay for a bit longer, admiring all of the blood from what I did before I decided to turn back and head 'home'. But that's when I noticed someone sitting at the end of the alley, smoking. Did they not just see me kill a person?

I wipe my knife off on the body, still looking at him. Her? Walking over to them, making sure they don't move, I quicken my pace. Then they stand up. Starting to run at them, I realized that they weren't going to move. Stopping right in front of him, I get distracted.

He has the prettiest hair that I have ever seen. It's freaking red. Why is it red? Who in their right mind would dye their hair red? Raising my knife to him, realizing how stupid I was being, he decides to finally say something.

"Hey, wait." It wasn't even rushed. How is he so calm? It confused me so much, I actually put my knife by my side. I was feeling extremely lost at the moment. I really just wanted to fucking kill him, but I'm standing here dumbfounded with my head tilting to the side. "Aww, that was so cute. Oh my god, your face!" He says petting in between my ears. I purr, leaning in to his touch, still really freaking confused. Wait. What? Purr?! I do NOT fucking purr.

"Don't touch me!" I warn him with my knife. Touching his stomach with it.

"Alright. Calm down Kitten. I'm not gunna hurt you." He said, blowing smoke in my face. What the hell? "Follow me, I've gotta show you something" he winks then turns around, walking in the other direction.

Who the fuck is this guy?

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