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After leaving the library, the four of them walked to the cafe Adrian mentioned. It was a small cafe but it was strangely welcoming. Joe's Cup o' Joe was its name. Known for its lattes and pastries, it's the oldest cafe in town. The group entered the cafe, the smell of coffee filled the air.

"Go ahead, get anything you guys want. I'm gonna get a vanilla latte and a scone," Adrian offered his friends. The three of them told him their order and took a seat at a nearby table.

"Alright, I'll go and order the food. Sit tight," Adrian said as he went to the counter. He returned moments later .

"So I just realised something. We've never really talked to each other before this. We don't know anything about you guys. What do you even do for fun?" Sophia asked the guys, curious to know them.

"Huh, you're right. We've never really interacted with you guys." Michael chuckled at the realisation of that. "I play basketball," he started to talk about his hobbies.

"I game during my free time. Occasionally, I'll join Michael for basketball. What about you guys?"

"I read and collect manga. Sometimes I bake, if I feel like it."

"Soap operas are my pastime activity. That's it, actually. I don't really do much besides school."

"Oh my god, the class president likes soap operas," Adrian and Michael said in unison, teasing Sophia.

"Shut up."

"Yes ma'am."

The four of them then burst into laughter.

"Sophia has such a commanding voice, oh my god," Michael said as he laughed.

"Guess this makes us all friends, then," Rena said, still laughing.

Michael wiped tears from his eyes. "Yep."

Their conversation was interrupted by the waiter bringing their food over. Remembering their hunger, they began digging in.

"Damn, you were right, the food is amazing!" Rena was amazed by the taste of the food. "You really know your stuff," she continued.

"Thanks. I've been coming over ever since I've lived here. Speaking of, where did you live before moving here?" Adrian asked Rena.

"Uh, a place called Prince Village. It's a small area west of our school."

"Huh, sounds fancy."

"It's not, really," she said, amused at Adrian's curiosity. 

"Stop flirting. The food's gonna get cold," Michael interrupted the two.

"We're not..."

The four of them continued eating and chatting for a few hours there. Time seemed to fly by so quickly. Not before long, it started getting dark.

"It's getting dark. I should start heading back," announced Sophia to the group.

"Yeah, alright," Michael agreed. "Do you want me to accompany you to the station, Sophia? It's on the way back to my place anyways," he offered.

"That'd be nice."

"Okay, let's be on our way. Bye, guys. We'll see you at school on Monday? Oh, and say thanks to your mom for the meal."

Adrian waved at them. "Alright, stay safe, you two."

"Walk safe, both of you," Rena replied.

Michael and Sophia parted ways with the other two, talking as they walked together.

"Guess we'd best be on our way as well. Come on," Adrian told Rena.


"Yeah, I'll walk you home. You're still unfamiliar with the area, right?" he replied.

"Well, yeah, but you don't have to, you know."

"If you're wondering if it's a problem for me, it's not. We live so near to each other, anyway," he reassured her.

After that, Adrian and Rena left the cafe. He gave her a tour of the town as they walked home together.

"So, Adrian, I always see you with two other people when you come to school. Who are they?" Rena asked, attempting to make conversation.

"Oh, they're my twin siblings, Peter and Katie."

She chuckled. "No wonder they look so much alike. Not to be weird, but you kinda look like your mom. She looks very young for her age," she suddenly mentioned.

Adrian raised an eyebrow. "You know my mom?"

"I saw her the other day when she sent you to school."

"Oh, right. She'll be 38 this year."

"Wow, she's young."

"Speaking of, you also resemble your mom."


"Yeah, she's really pretty." Adrian froze when he realised what he just said. "W-wait, I don't mean it in a weird way, it's just that you both look similar!" he continued, trying to explain himself.

"Don't worry, I got the message," Rena answered, blushing. "Thanks."

"Oh, we're here."

They've arrived at Rena's house.

"That was quicker than I expected."

"Thanks for walking me home, Adrian," she thanked him.

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