Part 9 cause if i font then yall might just kidnap me with my dylexic SELF

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Camilo: I'm not jealous pfttt
Camilo's POV: okay maybe I was a little jealous but oh well am I right but why does everyone like y/n when I start dating her I hurts to think about it but  I know she wouldn't cheat on me or break up with me she loves  me and I love her.
Camilo :okay y/n im going on a walk to help people .stay in my room
Camilo:okay bye kisses on cheek*


Camilo's POV: I'm not gonna go to help I'm walking to the woods to go think for a little and a little ended up being a hour a hour ended up being hours I went walking back to casita and before getting there a boy walked up to me tried to fight me I could have just shape shifted but when I shape shift i forget who I am anyway he punched me I got up then I asked what's his problem then he said .your dating y/n she's gonna be mine one day .I yelled at him there not some kind of metal or object there a human like me and you . Shut up that's why .I said that's why what you can't even get with a girl I punched them and ran home I wasn't scared but I didn't want to fight but if they say anything about y/n I'll kill them there lucky I didn't am I right.
Y/N:you've been gone for like 3hours  what happened I was worried
Camilo: sorry someone punched me but it's okay I.punched them back
Y/N. And why did they punched you.and that explains your bruise on your face
Camilo:they punched me and I was like why did you punch me cause you know I didn't feel a thing 🙄💅 and then they were like cause your dating y/n and I was like she's not a lo trophy or a object cause and then I punched them and ran cause I was disappointed that they even tried t9 fight me and next time I'll fight them cause anything for my hermosa.
Y/N:your funny and when you fight someone tell me I'll record
Camilo:bet oh and your dad was looking for you
Y/N:I know he's been texting me asking to come back but I won't I Love you more then my dad

Y'all sit on the bed and then you lay your head on his chest and he strokes his hands threw your hair/for people with Afro or anything else/he touches you knuckles and strokes his fingers there

Camilo meets Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now