Chapter 1

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Sitting at my keyboard typing a bunch of nonsense, that's how most of my days go by.
Working at a boring 9 to 5 office job followed by a "yes, boss" and "on it, boss" every fifth minute or so does make you get to a point where you question... "Are Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott really broken up?" I said out loud.

"Of course they are! They just raise a child together every now and then, but taking care of a child doesn't mean the parents themselves are in a committed relationship." Chiara was quick to respond pushing her glasses further up on the bridge of her slim nose.

"I mean I guess you're right, but there's still something sketchy about the whole relationship between them. Always has." I told her with a suspicious look on my face as if I was the one suspecting she was lying.

"Are you girls really questioning Kylie Jenner's and Travis Scott's relationship again? Isn't it like the third time this week? It's only Tuesday" a disappointing but not surprised sight was let out of the man entering the break room as he poured himself a hot cup of coffee.

I could tell he hadn't slept in days by those big and dark bags under his even darker eyes.

"Yes, it's just Lily being stubborn again" Chiara replied to the man getting up from the table and heading back to her desk.
"Ill catch you guys later, see ya" she quickly said before heading out the door and waving.

"So... tough Monday I assume?" I asked the man concerning, yet in a teasing way as he occupied Chiara's seat at the table.

Facing me with a smirk he replies "You of all people should know best darling", he sipped on his mug.

"Was I too energetic? Maybe I was demanding too much? Or was I too loud again, keeping you up all night? You should've told me, you know I felt terrible after last time when your neighbors showed up and spread rumors like wildfire-" I got interrupted by a finger pressing against my lips catching me off guard.

"That's not the issue my love, but maybe don't speak too openly about it here since the people we already know are a little... onto us and we don't like that, do we now?" The man gently calmed me down.

I was facing the floor embarrassed, because he was right. Liam was and always has been, right. I hate to admit it but I've always wanted to be more than just friends but that only led to me foolishly becoming his friend with benefit rather than a lover.

It's not that he didn't want to be with me because frankly, when I confessed to him he'd told me he felt the same but could never say anything since I was now engaged and soon to be married.

Although things got out of hands and he ended up blowing me away that one night at his place 6 shots of tequila later. Ever since then we have agreed to keep this affair a secret till I was ready to break things off with Henry, my fiancé.

But the truth is... I wasn't even close to being ready. I met Henry in college and he was the nicest and sweetest guy on campus. I'll forever remember that day in November when he took me up to his dads cabin in Nebraska and sneaked with him some expensive wine from France. We spent the whole weekend away from reality, living in our own little world admiring the stars every night and getting to know each other, skinny dipping in the jacuzzi.

He is till this day perfect. He's very calculated and likes to plan in advance, and here's when Liam steals my heart from Henry at times.

Liam is very spontaneous and passionate. He likes to live fast and live good. He doesn't know about tomorrows and the days after that. Like that one time when we were on a cruise on a business matter and he sneaked into my room and started to get touchy with me while Chiara was right beside me in the bed sleeping.

I had warned him to stop so that we wouldn't wake her up, and all he had to say was "so what if she wakes up? Worst case scenario, we ask her to joins and she refuses. But I doubt she'll refuse us".
I agreed with him and I entered this beautiful state of mind where the feeling of touch got super intense as I was gripping the expensive satin sheets looking out into the distant, gorgeous sunrise.

"What are you two talking about over here, wasting time? You should be working" Dwight came in.

Liam took a last sip of coffe as our boss was saying that and then stood up. "Of course boss."
Then he turned over to me. "I'll be seeing you later, lil." And then left.

I was left alone and reassured Dwight Schrute that I'd be getting back to work immediately after I've had a cup of tea, and he trusted my words making his way back to his office.

Going to the kettle and preparing my tea I felt the blood rush to my cheeks, turning them rosy as I was thinking for myself: "Better text Henry and tell him I'll be late today as well." As I smirked, picking a tea bag.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2022 ⏰

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