(1) Meeting The Mascot

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My alarm screamed angrily at me. The first time I've woken up to it in a while. I get up instantly, excited about my new job at the Pizza Plex! It's the biggest attraction in town, and I get to work WITH the animatronics! Eek! I can not wait.

I quickly grab the letter from my bedside take and scan through it.

To Miss L/N,
Greetings, Miss L/N. Freddy Fazbears Pizza Plex is delightfully pleased to inform you that you're application and submitted interview has passed and we are happy to welcome you as a member of our staff! We will be asking you begin your first day at Freddy's on the 31st March 2024. We will send you a uniform in that time, please where it to the workplace. There is a map on the other side of this paper

• Freddy Fazbears Entertainment does not take any responsibility to any damage to property or injuries you may sustain over your work period here. Agreeing to work at our Pizza Plex means that you Agree to our terms of conditions found on Http://FreddysPizzaPlex//Terms&Condions.com

I neatly refill the letter and put it back. I gently get up and glide over to my closet. I rummage through and find the uniform. There's 2, one with a simple t-shirt and jeans and another with an adorable dress with a cute skirt to match.

I pick the dress and carefully put it on, not wanting to crease it's glamorous fabric. I stash the letter in my pocket, presuming I'll need to map for later. I've only ever been to a few places when I visit the pizza plex and normally accompanied by my mother the whole time.

I exit my room and see my mother already stood by my door, she immediately pulls me into a tight hug. "I'm so proud of you, honey, you never fail to impress me," she kisses me on my forehead before I pull her back into a hug.

When I finally release I see there are tears in her eyes, I quickly grab some tissues but she denies them, letting her tears flow. "They're natural, N/N. We need to let our tears flow sometimes. I'm just so happy my baby is all grown up!" I nod and smile thoughtfully before checking the time. I need to be there in 10 minutes so they can escort me to the animatronics.

I get to see them and talk to them in ten minutes! Eek! Realising this I try not to fangirl and take deep breaths. Mother stuffs me full off Waffles with syrup as a reward, and to be honest I wasn't planning on eating. However I stomached it because I want my mother to be happy. After that I sprint off to the pizza plex

Around 5 minutes later, I arrive. I take a moment to stop and appreciate the Pizza Plex, it's crazy how much technology can advance. I brace myself for the loud interior and step inside. I've never been inside alone before, so I get a good look at my surroundings without my mother or sister dragging me along because a show was about to start.

"Y/n?" I snap back go reality and see a very cute boy standing in front of me. He's tan, has scruffy, short black hair and beautiful brown eyes. "..Y/n" he says again nervously. I realise I've been standing there gaping at him and try to speak. "So- Eh Ehm.. Sorry! I'm Y/n.. you already knew that er-"

The boy giggles and bumps my shoulder playfully. "I'm Robert, but you can call me Rob," he smiles at me, making my heart flutter. "I'm 19," I spit out.
"Me too! When do you get off work?"
"No idea.."
"Oh yeah. I'll take you to where you need to go,"

The handsome boy holds out his hand and I happily take it. He weaves me through heaps of people, most of them going to something Chica and Roxanne are doing together. I savour the warmth of his touch on my hand, filling me up with heat entirely. I smile to myself before we stop suddenly and I walk straight into the back of him.

"Ok, go through that door there and he should be in there. Monty might be there two but you're usually meant to meet them 1 on 1,"

1 on 1, with the main man himself? Eeek! No, pull yourself together. You are NOT embarrassing yourself in front of Glamrock Freddy of all people.

I turn around and Robert's gone, so I just decide to go in. It's locked, I pull out a staff keycard that came with the letter and looked for where to put it. 2 minutes later I realised what I was meant to do and got the door open. I see 4 doors. Each having a name of an animatronic.

I stand outside the one labelled "Glamrock Freddy" nervously. Scenarios of me messing up, him hating me or disliking me and me embarrassing myself rush through my head. I suck them up, shake my head clear and knock on the door...

"Come in!" I hear a familiar robotic voice announce. I slowly enter and gently close the door behind me. I turn around and see his eyes on me, making me a bit nervous. I sit down next to him and he doesn't say anything.

This is awkward..

"Hello," I randomly say, breaking the silence, "I'm Y/n,". I smile, sinking more and more into the strangely comfortable sofa. He still isn't saying anything, he's just staring at me. Is he broken?

"Hello?" I say, leaning to the side to check if somethings wrong. His eyes follow mine, not breaking eye contact, his mouth slightly open to the point where it's barely noticeable.

"Erm.. Freddy?" I say innocently. He seems to jolt awake, but still doesn't take his eyes off me. I've never seen him alone, is this normal? Does he always stare at you? I got told that he actually looks around a lot but he didn't. Strange.

"Hello, superstar!" He smiles, showing his cool set of teeth. "I'm very happy to meet you," he says cheerfully, eyes still locked on me. In the job posting I got told I had to schedule maintenance checks, prepare him (and sometimes the others) for their performances and.. keep him company. I'm not sure what it meant originally, I actually thought it was a joke.

He actually needs someone to spend time with?

"I'm Y/n" I introduce again in case he didn't hear me, " but you can call me N/n,". I beam at him. "Come on then rockstar," Freddy suddenly announced, shooting upwards to a standing position, "let's go hang out!"

"Freddy are you sure we can-"
"Don't worry, N/N. I have no more shows today,"

I guess I don't have much say in the matter, so I smile and nod. He excitedly stands up and runs out the door.

"F-Freddy, wait up!" I shout, sprinting to catch up. Luckily in a sea of people a big animatronic bear is quite easy to distinguish, so I eventually reach him. We're in the arcade, he turns and opens his mouth to say something but a flurry of kids come by and ask for autographs and to play some arcade games and to lift them up.

Surprisingly, he doesn't seem interested, instead looking at me with a hint of disappointment. I realise I'm probably also meant to act like those mascot people who follow them around.

"Okay children, Freddy is really excited to get through you all but you need to line up so he can listen to you, ok?" I yell over the screaming kids. While most kids listen, a few don't and have to get dragged to the back of the line screaming by their parents.

I look at him and beam, happy about the conflict I just resolved for the first time. I open my eyes and Freddy is still looking at me, despite a child expectedly holding his hands out for a hug. I give him a little tap and once again he jolts awake, quickly turning his attention to the child.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2022 ⏰

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