I love this song like y'all should listen to it. I love it and it has a good message

Hey guys. So I feel just stressed out right now. do any of you feel like you just want to strive for perfection but you know that you are just on the complete other side of the spectrum? Or that you don't want to do anything but want to be the most successful person there is. Or in my case, want to be loved by everyone who meets you. Don't get me wrong, I'm being raised in a great home. I don't have much wrong with me. I just want to be approved by everyone and have people love me. Do you ever see the popular girls or guys and wonder why the hell are they popular? That's my question. You have the ugly people, both inside and out, but all the guys want to b@ng them. Or all the girls want to be them. Or the girls who are dripping in plastic, they are so fake. They admit they have fake hair and dyed hair and colored contacts and spray tans. I'm not against those things, I dye my hair. But they become people they're not, or just copy what is "most desirable". And what is also annoying are girls who are dumber than rocks and look like they carry a pillow under their shirts get guys. Why do they get the boys? Do they just put out everything on the first date? They're usually not people who actually have anything to them. Why are the good girls, the girls who are good people who contribute a lot to society left to the wind? 

Okay another thing that bugs me. Skinny and healthy people who say they're fat. Like they pinch at their hips and it's a centimeter of skin they have in their fingers and they yell omg I'm fat! No you're not fat. You have fat. And they constantly diet and exercise. I'm not saying not to exercise or not to eat healthy. Do exercise and do have a good diet. But overdoing it all is just annoying. Especially if you complain about fat when you're a stick. If you're 100 lbs and fat, am I a flipping whale at 140lbs? Seriously. It makes everyone feel bad. I feel comfortable and confident in my skin until you open your mouth. If you are healthy, your beautiful. A few weeks ago there was the 20 beautiful women challenge. I hate it. We focus too much on looks and superficial beauty that it's the norm for people to judge one another on it. If you look on any popular girl's profile you can see comments about her "beauty". I mean some of them aren't even that pretty so I question many things... but besides the point I just want to say that beauty isn't what's on the outside. It's the actual person.And if all you have is looks you'll only get so far in life. Just so y'all know this isn't me saying "That everyone is beautiful in their own way" crap- because some people really are butt ugly. But they can be some pretty amazing people....But please don't let beauty or non-beauty rule society. Because if it does everything is going downhill. And our generation is already screwed.

We really are screwed

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2015 ⏰

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