hot kirby man 😳

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| LankyStories | One night at 3am lanky is laying in his bed. He hears a sudden knock at his front door. He gets up and walks out of his room to open the door. When he opens it he doesn't see anyone until he looks down to see a small Kirby holding a knife?? He's startled but let's the Kirby in anyway (that's always smart). He leads the Kirby to his bedroom and closes the door (so smart). Lanky turns around for a moment then looks back to see a HOT MAN?!?!?(in only boxers cuz it has to be like that) 😱😱 Lanky realizes that the Kirby has turned into the hot man. The hot Kirby man smirks and tells lanky to get on his knees. He does so and the hot Kirby man pulls his boxers down to reveal his huge dick. He orders lanky to suck it and lanky does so.

The end cuz I'm not going to write the rest, it's self explanatory

hot Kirby x lanky 🤨😳Where stories live. Discover now