Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 🌂Chloe's POV🌂 I couldn't possibly like him. He's Paige's brother! Paige is my twinnie and I'd always choose her before him. "Sisters before misters," I muttered to myself. I hopped into the car and sat next to Clara. My phone beeped with new texts but I ignored them. The second we got home I ran up to my room. I needed to think, a lot. I checked my phone finally. 5 missed texts from Josh. 2 missed texts from Paige. I clicked on the ones from Paige first. 'Hey I think Josh likes u,' said the first. 'Well always be twinnies rite,' said the second. 'Of course nothing could change tht,' I texted back. I left and went to the texts from Josh. 'Hey Chlo,' okay normal so far. 'I have something I've been wanting to tell you,' maybe not as normal. 'I like you and have for awhile.' 'Do u feel the same?' 'Chlo?' Okay so that's not normal. What do I do? I ignored his texts and went to Instagram. The first picture on my feed was of me and Josh. He had commented: 'Finally had enough courage to tell you.' He had tagged me and below we're hundreds of comments. I skipped over the picture and below was a picture from Brooke. It was a picture of me and Josh during duet practice. 'Lovebirds, I think yes!' Ugh! Why did everyone think I liked him? || I know the real Brooke probably wouldn't post that|| I shut down my phone so notifications wouldn't pop up. I needed a break from Paige and Josh so I could think. Of course Paige would always come first, she's my twinnie. Yet, if she was so close to me why did I like her brother? Did I? || Im sorry but this one might be short too! I keep doing short fanfics and short chapters! I also keep ending it with a question. Welcome to the blast

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