The man of my dreams

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Levi a strong powerful warrior and a little girl Gabi or as i should say former little girl he is like her father. And she is like his daughter. But there is something else going on in the background Gabi is slowly catching feelings for him. Feelings that are not good feelings that shouldn't be there. 

                                                                             Gabis pov:

Finally a new day i yawned as i stepped out of my bed. I had missed Levi so much. This was the day he was coming back from his trip, I haven't seen him in 4 years i thought to myself. He used to be the most important person i my life but then he had to leave when i was 14. I remember the panic attacks i used to have about it. Thank god i don't  have those anymore they where a pain in the ass. 

Then i heard the sound of horses.

I ran out of my room right out of bed into the living room, i forgot to put on my shirt and pants. It was cold i was just standing in our living room with my bare panties and bra. Trying to look out of the window to find Levi but the only thing i could see was snowflakes falling from the sky and frost on the windows corners.

My little wooden cabin was always cold even in the hot staking summer. Then i looked to the side and.... and saw h-him. 

Levi the lov--

Ugh uhmmm what the hell is wrong with me, i thought to myself

Levi is the father of my life not anything- uhm else. There was no doubt he was handsome but still nothing other then that. 

I ran out of the doorway in the cold and freezing snow. Just before steeping out i quickly took my jacket not having time to close it i shouted Levi!!!!

I could feel the frost under my feet it was cold as fuck but i didn't care. I saw him i saw Levi.  Suddenly the wind blew past and my jacket flew of me. My leather jacket wasn't that warm anyways- It really didn't provide me as much heat as it should've so it flying of didn't really bother me. Even tho it was 20- c outside i didn't care i didn't care at all. I just wanted to hug him. 

Levi i shouted  again i ran into his warm and comforting arms i even cried a bit. 

He just screamed back at me.

-Why are you not wearing your clothes Gabi???, He screamed

-i-i didn't have time sir, i said and looked down to the ground

I was embaressed i had only my underwear on. w-ha what if he looked. Would that even bother me? No probably not. Not at all actually he could look as much as he wanted too. My panties are his panties.

My boobs had grown a lot since he saw me last. I was a G cup now and before i was only a c. My bra was to be honest a little to small for me but it's fine it only made my boobs pop and look bigger.

To be continued...

Gabi x Levi, an non stopable fireWhere stories live. Discover now