Is he my father or lover?

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Levi looked down at me disappointed i knew i should've had put on some clothes before running away to see him but i had really. Really fucking missed him. 

Levi suddenly looked at me and smirked. I was a short gal so he was at least 8 inches taller then me. I do't know where i got these short genes from but i am only 4'7. 

This is what our height dif looks like for reference

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This is what our height dif looks like for reference .

Levis smirk turned into a smile and then he gave me on off those warm hugs he always used to give me as a child. To be honest i probably still looks like a child to most people. A child with big boobs and a fat round as. Yeah that's me plus my panties and tiny as bra.

The hug he gave me was fantastic it was so heartwarming made me feel like a child again. 

- Gabi, my beloved i am sorry to break it to you but you are no longer a child, Levi suddenly said with a craized look

Yeah-- , i answered

-I am sorry i wasn't there for you under some of the most important years of your life

- No it's fine, i declared 

Then Levi just turned into the old, boring and strict man he was again. He shut his eyes opened them again and pushed me over. I think he got traumatized or something in the military so know he got some kind of personality disorder. But he never really talk about it so how would i know.

The pain i felt when he touched me the pain that force that caused me to fall was hard i-i knew he loved me bu--b-but then why does he always do this kind of stuff. He probably doesn't even know it himself.

The wind swept through my hair. I felt like the main character of some kind of story until i fell to right into a mountain of snow. The ice cracked to pieces and fell down over my perfect face. 

I could feel the tears bursting down my face. They where just as wet as my panties. 

Did i pee myself?

No of course not i had just fallen to the ground. Suddenly i didn't feel the warmth of Levi anymore he had walked passed me into the house. I-i where alone. I where all alone again...
I tried to rice up from the ground but only fell back and back down again. Un-until i felt an arm reaching out for me. I couldn't see because the snow had gotten heavier and ice where falling down all over me. 

You know a girl gotta do what she gotta do to not get blind.

The arm must be Levis i thought to myself and reached out for it. 

But then suddenly it-it. IT LICKED ME. What the actual hell. Bu-but the tongue was soft it was nice.

New kink unlocked:D
I had to look i had to see him. This was the most romantic moment in my life i really had to see him licking it. 

But when i looked up i-it wasn't his. It wasn't his at all it-iit was the

THE HORSe. The horse was the one that licked me what the hell. I thought it was Levis soft tongue not Ranǵnars. The overweight horse that Levi refused to slaughter. How could i be that dumb that i thought the guy who was like my dad would ever lick me in that romantic way. DUmb you are so DUmb Gabi.

Side note :(Yes you are dumb Gabi)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2022 ⏰

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Gabi x Levi, an non stopable fireWhere stories live. Discover now