Chapter Nine

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Luke was incredibly pale by the time we were by the old chocolate factory, staring up at the looming building. The wind was still tonight, but that only made the cold so much more nefarious. I felt numb everywhere, save for my left arm which was burning underneath the hoodie Eros' had given me.

I stood beside Luke, I suspected with the same look on my face.

"We can climb over," Eros said from a little ways in front, motioning towards the wall. The cold didn't seem to faze him. "I know you're familiar."

Luke went over first, under the watchful eye of Eros, and then it was my turn to step forward. For the first time, the wall looked massive. I felt my arm protest as I raised it, grabbing one of the inconsistencies in the stone.

Eros' hand carefully wrapped around my wrist. He was suddenly very near. His stomach pressed against my back, his other hand snaking around my waist.

"You're not climbing that."

"I'm sure I can do it," I whispered.

Before he could do much about it, I tore my hand free and reached farther up. I pushed off the ground. That wasn't a good idea. My hand objected to the command, releasing the wall as a sharp pain shot through my arm.

I fell back with a whelp.

Eros' strong form was close behind, holding me steady against him. His breath tickled my ear. His lips moved against my hair. "Please. Let me do this for you."

Feeling just how deep the gashes in my arm went, and giving a look up the seemingly endless wall, I surrendered.

Eros didn't waste any time maneuvering me, easily having me in his arms without pushing against my wounds. I furrowed my brows as he lowered himself, taking sprain.

We flew over the wall with such force it should've been impossible.

A surprised Luke met us on the other side. He eyed me. Then Eros, narrowing his eyes despite his own chattering teeth. "I thought your job was to protect her. How come she's the one hurt?"

A low rumble vibrated from within Eros' chest, travelling into mine. I tried to swallow some anxiety and gave Luke a pleading look.

He budged, stepping back with pursed lips. As I was let down, he put an arm around my shoulders, pulling me a bit away from Eros who was flanking my other side. I held my left arm close to my body. My adrenaline was beginning to subside, giving way to pain. Small, intense pricking was travelling up my skin.

I forced the sensation to the back of my mind as we entered the factory for the second time this week.

It was as dark and ominous as any other time, but now I could see the figures moving within the shadows before they made themselves known. By the time we reached the middle of the floor, five people had surrounded us. They stood tall, strong, with stone cold faces and intentions. The darkness made it hard to tell but I deemed them all to be men - something that made fear grip me.

They were all watching us with icy energy.

"Relax." Eros appeared somewhere behind me, placing a heavy hand on my shoulder. "They're not a threat."

"Is that not the human that shot you, sir?"

I felt Luke freeze beside me. The man who'd spoken had a shaved head and a large scar running down the centre of his face, splitting him in two. Both sides looked equally threatening.

"And the one that saved me," Eros retorted with an edgy voice. "They're not threats."

"Hello," Luke said, clearing his throat as it came out a bit squeaky. "So this is the royal court."

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