About Me

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A bit about me, Angelika 🙂 💕🥰❤️♥️💯💓

I was born September 4th 2002 at St-Mary's Hospital and that is when my journey began.
At 10 days old I was rushed to MCH for seizures and also suffered a stroke in my left parietal lobe and other complications that left me with a diagnosis of cerebral palsy which affects mostly the right side of my body. I spent much time in the ICU and had surgery on my brain at 1 month old to decrease intracranial pressure that could have been life threatening. But thank Goodness that my mom is a nurse and she noticed it right away. I went home with a shunt that my neurosurgeon Dr. Montes removed about a month later. Mom stayed by my side 24/7 while dad went to work. There were many follow up appointments to ensure that I was stable and my parents were always there for me.

i started daycare at CPE St-Mary's in 2003 at the age of 1. A shadow was assigned to me during the day to help me with what I needed to do. I am a normal child but there is just some challenges I have to face and I was able to push myself through every single one of them and overcome my adversities.

I began attending Mackay Center at the age of 4 in 2006 up until 2016 when I graduated. I learned much during my elementary school years, such as Math, Numbers, Alphabet, Science, English, French, Art, Swimming, Computers and History. I also had weekly P.T. and O.T. and meeting with a social worker. I participated in Defi Sportif every year and won several medals in adapted biking, power chair obstacle course and swimming. During those years a lady by the name of Hope was my primary caregiver and would assist me with my ADL's at school. As I grew up, I began to help her to take care of the little ones during recess and lunch. I love helping Hope and we developed a strong bond over the years.

At around the same time, age 4, I occasionally went to a wonderful place called
Centre Philou which is a non-profit and charitable organization that provides specialized services to children with multiple disabilities and their families: respite stays, summer day camp, development programs and family support. Centre Philou was founded in 2005 by Diane Chênevert and Sylvain Brosseau, parents of Philippe (Philou), who suffers from a severe form of cerebral palsy. I have great memories of that place and made friends such as Bradley and Keiran.

I started Westmount High school in 2016 and that was a big transition and adjustment for me. Trusting new people to care for me was a challenge and being in a very large population was quite different. After that I will figure out with the help of my family what comes next.

Thanks to my parents & a even bigger shout out to Ann Gagnon and her lovely ☺️ boys I can't believe I known them already for 14 yrs. Center Philou is such a big part of our heart🥰 ♥️ 💕💙💙 it would mean alot to Ann, her two boys and myself if you go and support them by making donations and other things to help them keep on going.
I have a dream of standing up and want to buy a specialized wheelchair that will allow me to do so. My sister and I created a brand of clothing called Pink Pineapple to help raise funds and I also have a GoFundMe page, our goal is to raise 48,000$ for the purchase of that wheelchair. Please help by giving generously and buy some of our merch. We have a page on Instagram @pinkpineapple_1, so please go follow, like and share.
Thank you so much💖


Angelika's GoFundMe page :



Info : http://www.centrephilou.com/en/a-propos/

Center Philou YouTube channel

Other links.

Please go show love ❤️ and support 🙏🏻

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