Part 1

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Buster Bunny and Babs Bunny held hands as they watched the fireworks. Plucky Duck stood alone in the background, noting, "Do the fireworks look different do you guys?" Another heart shaped fireworks lit the sky then followed by an arrow firework shot though it. Another dozen heart shapes lighted up the sky. Buster quibed, "Nope." Plucky just shrugged it off and ate a hotdog. Babs noticed aloud, "They seem more... Romantic." The three friends watched the explosions and enjoyed themselves for the short display.

The very next day, when they were enjoying their summer vacation. Someone all too familiar appeared. To each of their houses, Kablooie Duck appeared. First he appeared to Buster Bunny. Kablooie Duck got on his knees and pleaded, "Buster, please impregnate me. I tried to send you messages through the fireworks last night but you never replied. Please, I love you!" Buster shouted with fear, "How do you get into my home again!?! Get out!!"

Next he appeared in Babs Bunny's home. He once again got down on his knees and begged, "Babs, please impregnate me. I send fireworks last night but you never replied. Please, I love you!" Babs shrieked in fright, "Quit breaking into my house and how would that even work when I'm a girl and you are a boy, you looney toon!?!"

Finally, Kablooie Duck showed up in Plucky Duck's place. He didn't get on his knees, instead he pinned the other duckling down to his own bed. The carnivorous duckling threatened flirtatiously, "Plucky, I'm going to impregnate you" Then blushed and awkwardly and nervously added, "If you wanna or whatever. It's not like I care or anything." He fumed the rest in a dark yet flirty tone, "I sent you and Buster and Babs massages through the fireworks but none of you will listen. Can't you just please show something for me? I love all three of you, Can't you see!?!" Plucky panicked aloud, "What are you taking about!? What is wrong with you?! How did you get into my room!!?"

So once again, Kablooie had been rejected. Rightfully so. Although he was terrible at courting his stalking victims, I mean true loves, but still. Got to explode things and set things on fire. So it wasn't a totally waste.

The End.


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