Chapter 4: The Send-Off

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The next morning, I put on a white shirt and black pants, which was the uniform for the Selected. We got to pick what shoes to wear, so I wore black ankle boots.

Today was the send-off for the Selected. I would stand there, smile, and wave while people cheered for me, and cameras videoed me. I had mixed feelings about the Selection. Sadness because I'd be leaving Luka, and my family, and excitement and nervousness for the Selection and to meet some of the other girls.

A black Audi picked me up to take me to the send-off. Before I got in it I hugged my parents, and told me to write often, and told them that I would. Then the driver drove me to the square. The audience was very enthusiastic. Fours and down were cheering, and waving at me as if I were a celebrity. I just smiled, and waved back. Most of the upper castes were glaring at me as if they were the ones who were supposed to be up here. I spotted Luka, and his parents. Luka was looking right at me, as if he was trying to encourage me, and he did. I'd miss him so much! I just wanted him. It was hard not to just burst into tears right then, and there, but I didn't, I kept my cool, and continued to smile and wave. I couldn't wait for this to be over, and to get to the airport. Mayor Bourgeois said a few words about me, and all the other contestants. The crowd started cheering even louder. After a few minutes of that it was time to say goodbye. I hugged my parents one last time. Luka came up there, too. "Goodbye, Mari. I'll miss you so much! I love you!" He said bringing me into a hug, he whispered that last part. "Goodbye, Luka. I love you," I whispered, hugging him back. I didn't want to go. Why had I signed up? It had been my choice! How could I have been so stupid? I was leaving my boyfriend for a Prince that I didn't even know! Why couldn't I have just thought things through for once? Ugh! Welp, I'm just going to have to make the best out of this, and look on the bright side. My friends had made it in, and maybe I'd make some new ones. Yeah, that was something to look forward to.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I realized that I was at the airport. I got out of the car, and went in. It was huge! My driver just told me to follow him to the waiting area. First we went through security. I had to take my shoes off, and they checked my only bag. Then I followed him to the our waiting area. We passed several small stores, and restaurants.

There were already a few other girls there. Alya and Juleka. "Alya! Juleka!" "Marinette!" Alya called, running up to hug me. "Hi," Juleka said. "I'm so excited!" Alya said. "Me too! I'm excited, and nervous," I replied. "I know right! We're going to date Prince Adrien! It's so exciting!" Alya replied. Suddenly we heard the clicking of heels. Chloè Bourgeois along with her sister Zoe were here. Chloè had blond hair in a ponytail, she was wearing tan heels, and tons of makeup. Her sister Zoe had blond hair with pink streaks in it. She on the other hand was wearing white tennis shoes, and only a little bit of makeup. They were the daughters of the mayor, and Chloe, and her mom, Audrey were models. Zoe was an actor. "When are we leaving?" Chloè asked. "We don't know. You've been holding us up," I replied. "I have lots of fans, they love me!" She said flipping her hair with one hand, the other on her hip. "Actually, Chloè, they were my fans. You just stole the show," Zoe said making Chloè mad. "How dare you! They loved me! Just wait till Daddy hears about this!" She said threateningly.

A man walked up asking if we were all here, and said that it's time for our flight. We got on the small plane. It had six seats. Three on each row, and two rows. I sat between Alya, and Juleka. Juleka sat by the window, and Alya sat on the isle. Zoe sat in the seat across from Alya's on the isle, while Chloè sat in thag same row by the window. After a few minutes, it was time for takeoff. The flight would last two hours. "Are y'all excited?" Zoe asked us. "Yes! I'm so excited! I mean we get to date Prince Adrien! How could I not be excited?" Alya enthusiastically replied. "Yeah, I'm excited," I answered her. "I just hope I find love," Juleka murmured. "I'm sure you will! Even if it's not with Prince Adrien you still have lots of fans who love you." She didn't say anything, she just looked out the window. Chloè said, "Of course I'm excited. Prince Adrikins will love me!" "Yeah, totally," Zoe whispered to Alya, and I across the isle. Chloè just read a magazine for the rest of the flight, Juleka read a book, and Alya, Zoe, and I talked. "Zoe you're an amazing actor by the way!" Alya told her. "Really? Thanks!" "Yeah, I'm a huge fan," I replied, "I've gone to some of your plays with my old boyfriend," I told her sadly. "What happened?" Alya asked sensing my sadness. "We didn't exactly break up, but we can't be together because of the Selection," I answered. "Oh. Do you still love him?" Alya asked curiously. "Yes, but I've also adored Prince Adrien my entire life, and just couldn't turn down an opportunity like this!" I answered. "Yeah, Luka is so sad about it," Juleka replied. "Oh! So you dated Luka?" Zoe asked. "Yeah, I'm a big fan of him, and Jagged Stone. Well, more than that now," I answered. "Yeah, their music is amazing!"
Alya replied.

About a half-hour later we landed. Once we'd gotten out, guards were surrounding us, and people were cheering for us. There were signs for all of us. Chloè unsurprisingly had the least, and Zoe had the most. Alya and I had about the same amount. There were cameras there, and we all just started smiling and waving. We took pictures with some of the crowd, and signed our autographs. The next plane was landing so we had to leave. We got in the car that drove us to the palace. It had three rows, two in the front, three in the middle, and three in the back. Our driver, and a guard sat in the front. Chloè, Zoe, and Juleka sat in the middle row. Zoe in the middle. While Alya and I sat in the back. We were approaching the palace. There were guards in front of the walls, and doors. There was a long gravel driveway that circled a fountain, and led to the front doors, where officials waited to welcome us.

1188 words not including AN! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'll have the next chapter out ASAP!

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