Chapter 2: Meeting Everyone

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I didn't like the name SF for Shadow Freddy so now I'm going to call Shadow Freddy, Shadow Freddy. Shadow Bonnie does still have his nickname tho.

Shadow Freddy: "I told you to keep it down"

Foxy: "Oh, sorry about that...Ummm..."

Shadow Bonnie: *Still very low* "...Shadow Bonnie"

*Shadow Bonnie comes out from behind the boxes and is extremely close to Shadow Freddy*

Foxy: "Hi, my name is Foxy." *Foxy holds out his hand*

*Shadow Bonnie shakes Foxy hand*

Shadow Bonnie: *Louder than before* "Call me SB"

When people start getting to know Shadow Bonnie I will start typing SB instead of his full name.

Shadow Freddy: "Well, since you are not in hiding anymore why not meet everyone"

Shadow Bonnie: *Quiet again* "Sure"

*They all walk to the main stage which was in the next room, the toys except Mangle were on stage talking to each other*

Shadow Freddy: *Clears throat* "Toy Bonnie, look who came out of hiding"

*Everyone looks at Shadow Freddy*

Toy Bonnie: *Gets excited* "Really?!" *Looks at Shadow Bonnie* "Is that true?!"

*Shadow Bonnie slowly nods his head*

Toy Bonnie: *Smiles in excitement* "That's great!" *Suddenly becomes sad and concerned* "Did you get over it?"

*Shadow Bonnie slowly shakes his head*

Toy Bonnie: *Still sad* "Oh"

Foxy: *Just processed what people were saying* "WAIT WHAT?! YOU WERE IN HIDING!"

Shadow Freddy & Toy Bonnie: *angrily* "Keep it down, Foxy"

Foxy: *Quieter* "Sorry"

Shadow Bonnie: *quiet* "Yes, I was in hiding but I'm not telling why. It's none of your business. *Towards Shadow Freddy* DON'T you dare tell him"

*Shadow Freddy puts his hands up and backs off and Foxy is just standing there in silence and concern*

Toy Bonnie: *Changing the subject* "Well...everyone this is Shadow Bonnie the second Shadow animatronic"

*Toy Freddy and Toy Chica says "hi" and introduce themselves*

By the way, Bonnie is still with Freddy.

Foxy: *Excitedly* "Let's go introduce you to Freddy and Chica now"

Shadow Bonnie: *still quiet* "Ok, let's go"

Shadow Freddy: "First we have to find them"

Bonnie: "I'm just gonna stay here with the toys"

Foxy: "Ok, see you soon then"

*The three of them headed to the kitchen to look for Chica*

Foxy: "OH, Look there."

Shadow Freddy: "There's Chica"

Foxy: *Yelling* "CHICA"

*Shadow Bonnie starts to cover his ears*

Chica: *Yelling back, while walking towards the three* "I SEE YOU GOT SOMEONE NEW, MIND EXPLAINING!?"

Shadow Freddy: "Please keep it down Chica, look at him"

Chica: "Oh, sorry little guy"

*Foxy explains it to Chica about Shadow Bonnie and his encounter with him, along with Shadow Freddy help of course*

Chica: "Oh ok, so if correct your name is Shadow Bonnie?"

Shadow Bonnie: *Not covering his ears anymore* "Yes, that is correct"

Chica: *smiles and grabs Shadow Bonnie's cheek* "Well, aren't you and cutie"

Shadow Bonnie: *trying to back away* "Thank you, Chica"

China: *Realization* "OH, sorry about that I don't know your past and I should really keep in mind what personal space is"

Shadow Freddy: "We should really get going to find Freddy"

Chica: *a little bit sad* "Ok, just tell me when I can cook with his cutie"

Foxy: *A little bit jealous* "Ok we will, we are going NOW"

*Everyone says their goodbyes*

Shadow Freddy: *To Foxy* "Where do you think Freddy?"

Foxy: *To Shadow Freddy* " No, I asked Bonnie before but even he had no idea of where Freddy could be"

Shadow Bonnie: *To both of them* "Have you checked the office?"

Foxy: "No, but why would he be there?"

Shadow Bonnie: *shrugs* "It was just a suggestion"

Shadow Freddy: "Then let's check there, what worse can happen"

*They all make their way to the security office and see Freddy standing there doing something with the cameras*

Foxy: *Confused* "What are you doing Freddy?"

Freddy: *Startled and jumps* "U.u.m I'm just se.settling up a pr.prank for Micheal when he comes back to work any day he wants to come"

Foxy: *Still confused* "Ok, but Shadow Freddy wants you to meet someone*

*Shadow Bonnie is currently hiding behind Shadow Freddy*

Freddy: "And whom may that be?"

Shadow Freddy: *chuckles* "He is behind me"

Shadow Freddy: (Let's hope he can meet one more person his energy is super low by the way he is acting)

Freddy: "Well, can I see him"

Shadow Freddy: "In a second, he met a lot of people today and it really drained him *Whispers to Shadow Bonnie* SB, this is the last person you have to meet today and then you can rest"

*Shadow Bonnie slowly nods and slowly in right of Shadow Freddy*

Freddy: *Holds out hand* "You must be the person I'm meeting"

Shadow Bonnie: *Shakes hand, quiet* "I'm Shadow Bonnie but you call me SB if that's easier or you"

Freddy: "Ok, I will call you SB then, are you new here?"

Shadow Bonnie: *Still quiet* "No, I just came out of hiding that's all"

Freddy: *Schoked* "HIDING, did anyone know you were in hiding?"

Shadow Bonnie: *A little bit quieter* "Shadow Freddy and Golden Freddy/Cassidy knew"

Freddy: "Oh ok, you should get rest I know you are really tired"

Shadow Bonnie: "I'm going, I will see you later, let's go Shadow Freddy and Foxy"

*They all leave, Foxy goes back and talks to Bonnie. Shadow Freddy and Shadow Bonnie go to their little back room and Shadow Freddy lets Shadow Bonnie cuddle up to him*

They are best friends and feel like brothers

Shadow Bonnie: *Sleepy* "Good night, Sha...dow Fred..."

*Shadow Bonnie falls asleep*

Shadow Freddy: "Good"

*Shadow Freddy kisses Shadow Bonnie's forehead and goes to sleep himself*

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