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In this story, which is set in the style of 19th century France at the planet, Cybertron, it was nighttime in Autobot City when a detective named Optimus Prime was on a crime investigation for he had been hunting down a murderer. But not just any murderer, a masked murderer. Optimus had been searching for his hideout for years and now in Iacon City, he had found a victim hanging from a noose, but when they checked the body of the victim, Cliffjumper, the rope around his neck had become invisible much to their shock. Could it be that this murderer was some sort of magician? Could Optimus Prime have known of this? But nonetheless, there was another strange murder and Prime suspected that it had to be the masked enemy lurking in the bowels of Iacon City near the Opera House.

"Another victim." Said the Protectobot, Prowl. "And one killed by an invisible noose? Impossible!" He said.

"I've seen this before. My oldest enemy. Who I once saw as my mentor and my brother. Megatron. I believe he's responsible for these killings!" Optimus Prime said.

"You can't be serious, Optimus." Said the medical officer, Ratchet. "I know that you two have had a long history, but this?! Clearly some black magician could've done that other than your former brother-figure." He concluded.

"Maybe. But I've tracked him down for over twelve stellar cycles now. That horribly disfigured beast is on the loose and I fear that he maybe after somebody. If we do not catch him, more victims will be added onto his list." Optimus Prime replied.

"Yes, I'm listening. Still, Primus rest Cliffjumper's spark. May he Rest In Peace." Ratchet said in a lowered voice as the other medics put a body blanket over Cliffjumper's dead, lifeless body.

At the Opera House in Iacon City, the managers were preparing for Prima Donna Airachnid to play the role of Countess for the play called, The Monster in Autobot City, but she fell ill. In her place was a young and beautiful young singer by the name of Firestar who had been well taught by an unknown teacher whom she refers to as The Angel of Music. Her childhood friend and sweetheart, Inferno, tries to win her heart as he attends to the Opera to watch her sing and after her performance and the audience applauded, clapped and cheered for her, Firestar was on her way to her dressing room when she came across Inferno who was holding a bouquet of flowers for her.

"Firestar. That was a splendid performance!" Inferno said as he praised his crush. "Inferno! I didn't know that you were going to bring me flowers. You're so sweet." Firestar said. Inferno blushed. "Th-thank you. I was just wondering if we could...go out to dinner tonight." Firestar's smile dissolved into a surprised look. "What?" She asked. "Well, you know, since we've been in love since we were sparklings and all." Inferno continued. Firestar declined his offer for a date night. "I appreciate it, but...I have to go to my dressing room at once." Firestar said. "I take it as a 'no' then?" Inferno sadly asked. "It's a not now, Inferno. You must know that the Angel of Music is very strict. He wants me to have an audience with him alone in private." Firestar explained.

Inferno was confused. "The Angel of Music?" He asked. "Do you remember when we were young and my father was dying? He promised me that he would send me an Angel of Music to teach me how to sing like an Angel. Well, that Angel of Music has come! So I must take my lead." Firestar left Inferno as she ran to her dressing room, leaving the poor mech feeling rejected and disappointed. Firestar ran all the way to her dressing room and she was afraid she was running out of time for her singing lessons in private. But she was already too late as she later heard a deep, powerful voice that echoed in her room after she slammed and locked the door to her dressing room.

"You are late."

"Oh, please forgive me. I was unwittingly detained!" Firestar pleaded.

"So...this Inferno...is unavoidable."

"He was waiting for me when I came off the stage! I didn't ask him to be there!" Firestar said as she tried to reason with her Angel of Music.

"You encouraged him to pursue you!" The voice said accusingly and angrily.

"No! That isn't true! Oh, please. Please don't be angry with me. You know I can't bare your anger." Firestar begged.

"Firestar! The time for anger has passed. You have ignored my warnings and now, you will be punished! Until you have cast this mortal weakness from your spark, you will not hear my voice again!

Firestar gasped. "He means nothing to me! I swear to you, he means nothing! I'll do anything for you. I'll never see him again if that is what you command. But don't leave me! Please, don't leave me...." She heard no response. There was silence in her dressing room and that made her feel sad and afraid. "Oh, no. Please...please don't leave me. Please..." Firestar began to sob. "Please don't leave me...Angel...Please come back."

"Firestar. Calm yourself, child. Be still now. Shhh." The voice said comfortingly. "I shall give you one last chance to redeem yourself. The next time you see Inferno, speak to him cruelly, reject his tokens, and make him the most miserable young mech on this planet." The voice commanded.

"Anything!" Firestar said.

"Now..." the voice sighed. "Sing for me."

The story will continue in Chapter 1. Thank you all so much for reading this interesting prologue. I'll be back with more updates soon enough.

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