3 1 1

          As bass 6 goes to bass 1s house, they see a light on in their bedroom. They are curious as they are usually asleep by this time of night. As bass 6 passes the door, they hear loud beating noises which alarms them as they have never heard this while in their relationship. Once the door to their humble abode is opened, the noises become louder. The door to their bedroom is slightly ajar, and when they peek inside they find that bass drum 8 is sitting on the bed with bass 1 looking guilty.
They suddenly turn around as they find bass 6 staring at them in pure anger. Bass drum 1 suddenly gets up and runs towards bass 6, pleading for them to not go away. Bass drum 1 suddenly uses their mallets to hit bass drum 6. “Why are you being so difficult right now, we didn't do anything, we were just talking…” Bass 6 storms out of the room in anger, and storms outside, suddenly they hear footsteps from near the garage where they find bass 9 overhearing their conversation. “Why are you here? Did you overhear everything?? Bass 6 exclaimed.
“I came here since I knew that bass 1 was up to something, they were being very suspicious and I followed you here. They have made me so uncomfortable ever since I first met them.. I don't know the reason they're doing this but you shouldn’t be with them.” Bass 9 exclaimed. Bass 6 looked sullen, as they had just recollected what had happened to them. “I just caught bass 1 with 8, I don't know what they were doing but it definitely looked like they were doing something more than just ‘sitting around’. Bass 6 exclaimed.

        Bass 6 and 9 stood in shock as they heard the front door suddenly slam open as if they were desperate to get out and clear up the situation. "I-I promise I wasn't doing anything with bass 8.. We really didn't!" Bass 1 exclaimed urgently. "I don't believe you anymore.. Never in our 6 year relationship have I distrusted you this much. Do you really like me anymore or is it because I'm bigger than you, huh?" Bass 6 shouted in anger. Bass 1 looked hurt and ashamed and they finally decided to give up. 
"Fine, you don't have to believe me, but you will regret this sooner or later!" Bass 1 exclaimed as they stormed away. "Well, I guess we don't need to worry about them anymore. It's been a long night, so why don't we end this and go to sleep" bass 9 calmly exclaimed. "Do you not realize I just lost my 6 year relationship?! How can you be this calm when I've just lost my whole reason for living!" bass 6 shouted. "I'm sorry.. But we really should sleep, it's 1am and I'll let you rant to me tomorrow." Bass 9 exclaimed irritatedly. 
Bass 9 hurriedly ran to their car and drove away, while bass 6 was suspicious of why they were so calm after that.  After calming down, bass 6 went back into their house and went to sleep.

The Next day.. (Bass 1 Pov)

    Bass 1 woke up, drumheads with condensation still on their drumhead from the events from last night's events. Bass 1 was still overwhelmed from last night, and didn’t get a wink of sleep because of it. “It's all bass 5’s fault! Why did they have to do that at this exact moment?!” Bass 1 suddenly threw one of their mallets at the wall in a fit of rage. “If this never happened everything would still be normal! Bass 1 was bitter at the thought of their relationship still being normal.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2022 ⏰

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