School starts

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I woke up dreading what was going to come next ,but I needed to get up because school (hell) is starting again today .I hate school and don't know why anyone would like it because your learning boring stuff that you don't care about and wished you didn't know  and theres a 80% chance your gonna get bullied 10% chance of being the bully a 5% chance of being popular and the other 5% is normal which is very rare spot to get .

I always get up for school an hour early, so its 7:55 right now .Im just gonna sit down turn the tv on and text Lizzy for now *15 minutes later* so I'm getting up to make some breakfast*makes waffles* done ! So i went and brushed my teeth and brushed my hair then i got dressed ,I put on a black t-shirt ,hoodie ,blue jeans some white socks and my black shoes then I went down to get my bag  'Im leaving mom byeeeee' I said whilst running out the door

I got my scooter out bc I hate going on bikes and rode peacefully down the rode as I was feeling the wind slowly go through my hair and the trees looked prettier them I've ever seen them ,the leaves were almost going away and turning orange since it is autumn right now and my favourite season is autumn so I was loving the cold breeze go through my hair .

I put my scooter next to a blue bike that looked familiar but i don't know why or where from .I walked inside the cream and red building dreading it but then remembering I have a new teacher with Lizzy in my class too . I rushed up the stairs walked past room 12 where my friend was but we don't really talk anymore and just moved on with our other friends . I walked in room 11 and saw my teacher , he looked fun and Lizzy said her ex friend was in his class before and she liked him so at least thats good ' Charlotte you will be sitting beside Theo over there *points to a chair beside Theo' said my teacher . No damn it I hate Theo he's so mean to me , I hate him. After that the teacher started talking .

We did math , geography then it was lunch time and I was on yard with Lizzy , her eyes were so pretty and her voice was amazing , I could never get enough of her especially when the autumn breeze was going through her hair like mine earlier. Then in class we did english and Spanish then another break on yard and I noticed my friend Alex and her friend  but I hope they didn't notice  me because I always get the feeling her friend doesn't like me due to many name calling and yeah so I just don't think she likes me. We went inside and done a small bit of history then we did art for the rest of the day which i love because i think art is really fun and i love it , its just so peaceful and fun .

Its a few months later and everything in school is the same and it was a Friday and me and Lizzy were just walking home from school then...

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