So it begins.

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Narrator POV.

After Blueberry and Dream's trip to the Multiversal Timeline they had already parted ways and back to their timelines.

Blue enters his and his brother Papyrus's house with a charming grin on his face that has never once faltered for the past few days, it wasn't unusual for him to be smiling that much for several days though.

It was normal for everyone to smile after all, but throughout those days blue had been having things fill his mind.

By things I meant thoughts, thoughts about a certain skeleton that's AU was first created than any other AUs.

He passed by papyrus who was sleeping on the couch in a slouching position, before he entered his room though he covered his brother with a blanket.

The smile on his face disappears when he proceeded to wonder to his room, after walking up the stairs he faces his door as a twisted grin forms on his face.

He entered his room and went straight to his closet, sounds of whimpering and sobbing were heard inside as he opens the closet's door revealing a badly injured skeleton.

The poor skeleton had scratches, cuts, bruises and blood coming out of him whilst dry tears could be seen on his cheeks, duct tape was covering his mouth and his arms were tied behind his back.

When the injured skeleton noticed him his breathing quickens making them hyperventilate with their eye sockets wide open.

"Have a nice nap? I am disappointed in you for passing out while I was shattering your legs." Said blue as he looks down at the skeleton's broken legs or was left of them.

The skeleton looks away from him like a frightened baby bird about to be eaten by a venomous snake, blue grew irritated of it before grabbing their chin and forcing the skeleton to look up at him.

"When I'm talking to you look. At. Me.. got that? Or do you want to.." before blue could finish his sentence he digs his thumb into an injury causing invisible tears to stream down the skeletons face.

"Oh you're dehydrated aren't you~? But aren't you already drinking up Classic's love? Right, CCino?" Blue said in a mocking way making the other shake on his touch.

Blue rips away the tape that was covering CCino's mouth and looked at him straight into his eyes, "Speak CCino. Speak! I want to hear you confess. That you're a fucking whore for Classic." Blue slapped him before making him look up at him again.

"Can't you fucking see that we were meant to be together? Those days that he helped me with training, giving me tips on my guard duties! W-We were made for each other!!"

Blue laughs crazily making CCino cower in fear beneath him, fortunate enough for blue papyrus wasn't a light sleeper unlike him.

"The day that he asked me out for that date! But of course Ink and Dream were there.. even so. The both of us were a match made in heaven!"

CCino was awestrucked by how crazy and unhinged the so called Lovable Innocent Blueberry was, did Ink and Dream know about this? CCino doubted that thought.

"But you had to ruin it! You whore! You good for nothing slut! You just really wanted him in you're bed huh!? I've heard you moaning his name before. You dirty no good bitch!" Blue spoke in a yelling yet low voiced tone.

CCino was enraged by his statements, "that's not true! It isn't! I-Im not a whore!! Whe-When I g-get out of your crazy grasp I-I'll tell everyone!" CCino yelled in a raspy voice after not being able to drink anything for a week.

Blue glared at him right after smashing his skull into the wall, "you think you could just say that Infront of me? And who would even believe a whore over cute innocent blue! Hah! No one would believe you. As a matter a fact they would hate you right after!!"

CCino's eye sockets widened, he was right. Even if he did escape no one would believe him over blueberry sans, the swap version of Classic's AU.

CCino weakly glanced over to his HP bar seeing that only a tic of life was what he only had left. He hoped to die now, he begged Asgore to make blue forget to feed him on making his HP regenerate.

"O-Oh yeah? W-Well maybe classic will! H-He is the over thi-thinking type!!" Said CCino as blue growled in anger, just by hearing him say Classic's name he already saw red.

Blue summoned a bone with a spike at the end of it before jamming it into the skeleton's skull, CCino grins with a chuckle as he begins to turn into dust.

"See you in fucking hell you son of a bitch." CCino then completely turned into dust as some of his remains were on blue, blueberry scoffed and brushed all the dust off of him and grabbed a broom from the outside of his room.

Whilst getting the broom he noticed papyrus awake in the kitchen, "Oh heya Sans, I didn't see you there. How was you're day with Dream?" Said papyrus with a lazy grin and a slouching posture.

Blue smiles widely at papyrus beginning his act of being the usual blueberry, "We had so much fun paps! You should try the new nice cream flavor! We should go there together some time!!" Blue spoke energetically with starry eyes as papyrus chuckles.

"Sure thing bro" said papyrus before taking a bottle of honey and leaving the kitchen, blue's act then slowly dispersed and looked at where papyrus left with a blank expression.

He enters back to his room with a broom and began sweeping CCino sans's dust, this was his first time killing another version of himself.

It felt satisfying.

|End of Chapter 4|

My bad for updating this so late, I'm literally in 10 fandoms all at the same time and I keep on getting book ideas on each one.

Either way here's a new chapter with totally 1k words.

Hope you enjoyed!

[Continued] Sweet but psycho (star sanses x classic)Where stories live. Discover now