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This is me writing a crack fanfiction trying to be serious for once, So I apologize for any mistakes I'm about to make, the comment was so explicit that I couldn't directly post it here. And since he knows I watched the hangover a while ago. I had to do a hangover-based fanfiction. Thankyou for noticing.

It was a day without a memory Andy Donovan as usual was trying to get his writerswork done, and therefore he was trying to make everyone laugh, and be a lousy bastard to Evan. But when Evan and Andy walked in they got the shock of their lives. Andy really tried not to care as much as he did. He found Omar Taylor and Zera laying on the couch that day. And Andy just closed the door out of shame. But Evan pushed him in. With a few words. Putting his boot and blaming Andy and Andy as therefore blaming Evan for everything. Since just like Nick and Naiara they acted like an old couple. Jeff was drunk but that wasn't saying that Jeff was neccesarly the one who gave everyone the booze.

''Jesus christ, jesus christus, Evan hipster fucking jesus Jennings, what the fuck happened here?'' where Evan pouted. ''You lazy pig, you made this mess they are your characters therefore I blame you. Go visit Jasper and stay with him that day, I'm done Andy Hoe-invan."' where Andy got extremely pissed ''Don't call me a whore, Trash dumpster!'' Where Andy replied 

''I got my mother to tell me that I can't burn trash." 'So therefore I can't roast you."' and Evan replied and caught his breath having habit speak the following

''ANDY YOU GOT HIM THE MORE YOU ARGUE THE MORE HE LOVES=-'' And where Evan said ''no, I can't.."' They were both at the hotel doors acting like idiots. But Evan still decided to boot him and kick him in the back. And therefore Evan thought, you made those people and started arguing incomprehensible words with himself, and which confused Andy. But when Andy walked out the door. He got the fear of his life.  Andy Parker broke in the house using a pig-sticker and an hammer. And Andy couldn't believe what he was saying and said the following. Jeff was hanging at the bathroom on the seat of the toilet. He was definitely drunk, but there was not a memory of what happened last Friday night, KatY PERry Got TheIR tOuNG.

''What the fuck happened in here? is everything alright?'' where Blinette was in bed with Jacklyn and Bella, And Jake were sharing a bed as usual. Jake kind of did the impression of thinking he was loyal but he wasn't. As Blinette drove her car around with a big brown truck. As the sexy ginger she was supposed to be replied the following.

''I'm going to the hotel.'' a second later she got indecisive and replied the following

''I'm not that girl, I'm not that girl." But then got a phonecall from Andy Donovan who called her that day and said the following.

''Blinette? and where she replied with the following after Andy's first attempt to speak up and get her attention.

''Yes, Sweet Andy?'' ''What for escape is it?''and Andy sighed and replied

''I tried to stop everything, but .. Jacklyn cheated on you with the female green day front man.'' Which enraged the sexy ginger.

''She's so dead!'' said Blinette in a rage of fit. Where Andy replied ''You can't do that, " and Blinette replied ''How dare she think she's hotter then me?'' ''I'll show her hot knuckles." and where Andy replied the following

''Good luck, I hope everything works out for ya, good luck bro!''

Apparantely on the other floor Zera and Omar were also hungover. And Jake wanted to pay a visit and came with his new secret boyfriend Jack Frost and Jake mumbled in frustration.

''Why can't you just keep your cool?'' where Jack replied ''What do you mean I'm the king of ice?'' Apparantely Jake ran in a hyper mood and opened the door. And saw Zera and Omar with several bottles getting drunk and making love for each other. And Jake sighed and smiled with an grin of annoyance.

''That's where my drinking money went.. right in the booze..""

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2022 ⏰

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Omar Taylor requested me a fanfiction, so here it goes.. Explicit as usualWhere stories live. Discover now