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Ohayo! How did you like the first chapter? Ik it can be better but I was having a hard time writing since I am new to the ✨World of Writinganyway, I hope you like the new chapter!
8:30 am

'Aizawa-sensei where tf are you' you thought as you were stuck in the middle of the girls chatting, they were around yours and Momo's desk you wanted to get out of the situation it was so noisy

Then the door opened and in walked a yellow creature, turns out, it wasn't a creature it was ya teach

Everyone scrambled to their seats which gave some space to breathe, you sighed and fixed yourself, Aizawa-sensei was teaching Math, I didn't have a problem with it

The class ended and Aizawa-sensei left the classroom, what is the next subject again? I recall its-! "I HAVE ENTERED THE CLASSROOM LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!" All Might burst into the classroom which made me stand up from my seat and stare, it's my first time seeing All Might in-person, everyone was in awe, "GOOD MORNING CLASS 1-A!" All Might greeted, "Good Morning All Might!" Everyone greeted back which made me snap out and sit back down

"Wah I didn't know All Might was gonna be our teacher!" Someone said, All Might laughed heroically, and it was soo cool!~ you almost squealed

"I teach basic hero training" All Might said while walking to the teacher's desk "It is a subject where you treat in different ways to learn the basics of being a hero. You'll take the most units of this subject!" "Let's get right into it!"

"This is what we'll do today..." All Might took something from his pocket "...Combat training!" He shouted "And to go with that are these!" He pointed to the wall there were sliding closets going out from the wall that contained our hero costumes

"Costumes made based on your Quirk registrations and requests you sent in before school started" He explained, "Wait- our hero costumes are here?!-" "WHY YES YOUNG KAMINARI" He said as the class cheered except me, I'll be using the one I use for missions

"After you change, gather in Ground Beta!"



After changing to our hero costumes the girls complimented each other on how cute they looked

We went outside the changing room and went to the rest of the class in 'Ground Beta' Uraraka approached me, "Wow (L/N)-san your costume looks amazing!"

"Thank you Uraraka-san, your costume is very beautiful, it suits you" I replied "R-really?! Thanks! Although it is a bit tight haha~" she clenched her stomach suddenly feeling cautious about it "I don't see a problem, you look great" I patted her back when All Might spoke;

"They say the clothes make the man, young men, and ladies", "Be fully aware...",
"From now on...", "...you are heroes!" 'What All Might said... made me feel... really pumped up!' I clenched my fist and had a big smile on my face

"That's great everyone" All Might took a look at all of us "Now, shall we begin?" Someone raised their hand, a person that looks like their in armor

"This is a battle center from the entrance exam, so will we be conducting urban battles again?" Iida questioned, "No, we're going to move ahead two steps!" All Might answered while holding up to fingers

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2022 ⏰

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