A Never Sent Letter | Meribah Hill Teaser

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Dear Hawk,

You can never see this. Why? I'm stuck at camp. Forever. We've been cursed by this ancient magic, which is supposedly in a body of one of the campers here. Dotson and Willam are keeping us safe, as of now.

But I'll never see you again. Ten years have passed; you've probably already forgotten about me. I don't think we can break the curse. We can't grown older anymore, I stopped when I turned twenty-one. Our food never runs out, we can't die, and my brother, Bob... he disappeared.

AK just asked me what I was doing, and she laughed at me. But this is my only way of coping with what happened. Some people got stuck here with their partners. As for me, I'm lonely. I mean, I've got AK, Hail, and Karen, but for how long? Will they disappear like Bob?

I've disappeared from your life, you've disappeared from mine. Meribah Hill is a place I have to call home. I'm farther away from you than I have ever been before, across eons and eons of... something.

Miss you more than anyone,

Story by: CuddlyCactus6945

Thanks for reading! A Never Sent Letter is a teaser for my new series, Meribah Hill. If you haven't read that yet, check out the first book, Legend of the Hill. See you!

- CC

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