1 - Enter Kurosaki Ichigo

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I have no clue who this Rukia girl is, but her execution is causing a lot of ruckus throughout the whole Soul Society. All of the Captains are running around and the different teams have been dispatched within the areas around the place where those ryoka who penetrated the barrier around Soul Society crash landed.

So far, I confirmed the presence of 4 ryoka. I've already seen that ryoka man getting chased around by that femboy from Squad 11, I've seen a tan skinned giant running around with a demonic looking right arm, and I've also made contact with a skinny, weak looking guy and a fragile looking girl. The girl uses some sort of weird power that slightly resembles a kido technique, but her actual activation or powers look completely unfamiliar. The skinny kid is definitely a quincy as evidenced by his nimble movements, outstanding control of spiritual energy, as well as his expertise with the bow and arrow, which happens to be his preferred weapon of choice.

Of the 6 lights in the sky, I've only found these 4, and I can only pinpoint where one of the other two are. He's practically flooding the air with his exorbitant amount of spiritual energy. In a strange way, his vast reserves and rough feeling power makes me excited to fight him, but I have a feeling that I would beat his ass and it wouldn't even be a fun fight. If he's letting all of this energy out freely without a muzzle, he's probably some unexperienced kid who doesn't even know how to control his own powers yet. Either way, he'll surely be dead soon as Kenpachi seems to be running around looking for him, albeit in the completely opposite direction with his Zoro tier navigational skills.

I shake Ringo awake. My zanpakuto that has the weird ability of manifesting into a human for absurd intervals of time. Practically forever. He looks me in the eye in a look of knowing and then assumes the form of an Orcstin. My visit to Soul Society was to expose myself to new blades and Zanpakutos so that Ringo could transform into more variants, but it seems like theres some more interesting things going on right now.

I jumped off the ruins of a building that was leveled by Captain Zaraki on his mindless hunt for the "orange haired ryoka" everyone is going crazy about. That captain of the 11th Squad really is a crazy guy. It's always the dunces that are blessed with insane strength and battle prowess.

It didn't take long for me to find the ryoka. Honestly, I don't understand how Captain Kenpachi can get so lost when this guy is literally sending out figurative flares out and revealing his location with his terrible lack of spiritual energy control.

The ryoka has a huge sword strapped on his back. His hair is definitely a unique shade, and he's wearing Shinigami attire. He looks strange, but I can't say I'm much better myself. I have an even more uncommon white colored hair, and I'm fitted in a black and red robe with different Dragon Ball characters drawn on it. I'm also wearing sunglasses that make me look like I'm quite possibly a shady guy with some kind of track record of pedophilia.

This little disguise really is just to make people be urged to underestimate me though.

Ringo is a broken as hell Zanpakuto. He has copied the forms of many blades, making them his own in the process. Even after fine tuning them and their abilities-at least to whatever extent he can-I'm usually not able to reciprocate the same expertise and skill that the actual holders of that blade have acquired throughout their time with their Zanpakuto.

I jumped off of a rooftop and landed in front of the big sword kid, making him flinch back and put an arm on the hilt of his Zanpakuto, ready to unsheathe it in case he deemed me a threat. I pointed Ringo at him and smirked, urging him to come at me.

Big sword kid ran at me, sword in hand and brought the blade down on me, which I easily parried. In order for Ringo to copy another Zanpakuto, he needs to exchange a couple of blows with it, the strength of the Zanpakuto in comparison to Ringo dictating how many blows will need to be made back and forth.

He retreated his sword and quickly attacked once more from the side, but Ringo was once again there in between his sword and my flesh.

With a click of his tongue, he shouted, "Get out of my way! I don't have time to waste on you." He exerted more force on his blade and forced me to take a couple steps back.

He extended his assault with a twirl around with his blade's going for my other side at inhuman speeds. I barely stepped out of the way and started my attack. I threw a flurry of sword swings at him, but only a few did any real damage. I grounded myself and swiped at his feet, tipping him over. He was about to fall but caught himself before his face met with the ground. With another swift kick, I managed to get a good hit on his face, which sent him barreling into a wall. A thick cloud of smoke enveloped a small area around the house and he quickly came out of it, relatively unscathed. For an upstart, this Big sword kid is pretty durable.

Before I could do anything else, Ringo's spiritual energy tightened around my hand, the force tangible and noticeable against my skin. I heard Ringo's voice in my mind, and he said only one word. "Kenpachi"

I opened up my sensors and felt for the spiritual energy around me. Yes, he wasn't too close yet, but Zaraki Kenpachi was definitely heading this way. Without another thought, I grabbed the big sword kid and dipped. I wasn't trying to get my ass whooped by some crazy bloodthirsty hulking man with a chipped sword and an eyepatch. That just wasn't something I wanted on my past experiences.

I sensed two other energies. One of them I recognized as Hanatarou, a kid who I observed to frequently visit the sacred prison holding Rukia for no real reason except to just sit outside. One day he grew the balls to try and get in but his attempts were shut down quite quickly. The other energy I wasn't sure. I grabbed both of them too, because my intuition told me to.

I ran close to full speed towards the white towers, which was the opposite direction from which Zaraki was pursuing me. Either he wasn't trying too much to catch up to me, or he didn't even know if I was actually here and he just came out of a lucky guess. I gained some distance before being forced to put the big sword kid down with all his struggling in my grasp. He flopped over on the ground and abruptly got up and put up another tough guy front.

"Hey what the hell was that for!?" He pointed at me accusingly.

Hanatarou got up and just looked confused at this whole predicament. The other guy reached into a small duffel bag for something as if he was the quiet kid. He pulled out a grenade-esque device and lobbed it between me and the big sword kid. When it hit the ground, it burst into a thick cloud of smoke and bewildered my senses. The smoke also served as a dense concentration of spiritual energy, so sensing for them was to no avail as well.

Once the smoke cleared, the trip of weirdos were nowhere to be found and all the proof that they were even there was in the form of a hole that hollowed out a small circle big enough for a person to go through in a building. I decided to check Ringo's progress instead of pursuing them.

When I unleashed his human form, he told me that there was absolutely no success with his ability regarding that kids Zanpakuto. He only was able to enter his mindscape, meeting some old dude and finding out some basic info. Orange kid is Kurosaki Ichigo, and the name of the Zanpakuto is Zangetsu. The potential of Ichigo's sword exceeds even Ringo's own power. The possibility of copying that blade is next to 0%

Jeez, that kid. He'll grow into a monster one day.

Hey guys, thanks for reading up to this far! I know its probably more boring than an Amy Schumer performance right now, but trust me its gonna get better. I'm absolutely ass at making openings and once I get all the shit together for characters and stuff theres
gonna be a lot more fun to read scenes. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2022 ⏰

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